
Request processor component

1.0 2022-01-04 19:57 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-05 02:31:45 UTC


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Intention of this component is providing more abstract layer to handling http requests. Utilizing Strategy pattern, this RequestProcessor gives you possibility to dramatically reduce amount of repeating code in your applications


composer require kami/request-processor


Firstly you will need your steps extending RequestProcessor\AbstractStep


use Kami\Component\RequestProcessor\Step\AbstractStep;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Kami\Component\RequestProcessor\ArtifactCollection;

class MyAwesomeStep extends AbstractStep
    public function execute(Request $request) : ArtifactCollection 
        /** Your execute method */
    public function getRequiredArtifacts() : array 
        return ['some_artifact'];

Build up your strategy


use Kami\Component\RequestProcessor\AbstractStrategy;

class MyStrategy extends AbstractStrategy
    public static function getSteps() : array 
        return [
            new MyAwesomeStep(),
            new MyAnotherStep()    

The one and the only requirement for your strategy is it should end up with at least two artifacts data and status