
Dynamically include resources relations for API Requests

1.2.0 2020-05-09 21:52 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-12 18:47:40 UTC


This package allows you to include resources relationships and relationships count dynamically based on requests sent by sending query parameters with the request. This enables you to load relations only when you need them, which will boost your APIs performance.


This Package can be installed vie Composer

composer require kalshah/dynamic-relations-includes

For Lumen is same procedure but you need to add helper request(). Here is code: https://github.com/albertcht/lumen-helpers/blob/master/src/helpers.php#L417.


Include relations based on request

For Example we have an API request which returns a list of posts and we want to include the comments of each post within the response.

To do this you first need to use the IncludeRelations trait on you Post model, and also you need to to add the comments relation on the loadableRelations array, so that the trait can load it for you.

namespace App;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Kalshah\DynamicRelationsInclude\IncludeRelations;

class Post extends Model
    use IncludeRelations;

    protected $loadableRelations = ['comments'];

    public function comments()
        return $this->hasMany(Comment::class);

and now you can send your requests where you need the comments, by adding the include array parameter like so www.example.com/posts?include=comments

Include relations count based on request

For Example we have an API with requests which returns a list of posts and we want to include the comments count of each post within the response.

To do this you first need to use the IncludeRelations trait on you Post model, and also you need to to add the comments relation on the loadableRelationsCount array, so that the trait can load it for you.

namespace App;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Kalshah\DynamicRelationsInclude\IncludeRelations;

class Post extends Model
    use IncludeRelations;

    protected $loadableRelationsCount = ['comments'];

    public function comments()
        return $this->hasMany(Comment::class);

and now you can send your requests where you need the comments count, by adding the include_count array parameter like so www.example.com/posts?include_count=comments


You can use both include and include_count parameters as string or as an array

  • using it as a string with multiply includes www.example.com/posts?include=comments,tags

  • using it as an array with multiply includes www.example.com/posts?include[]=comments&include[]=tags

Using different relationships types and conventions

  • you can include nested relationships, for example loading the comments and each comment creator
    protected $loadableRelations = ['comments', 'comments.creator'];
    and requesting it using www.example.com/posts?include=comments.creator


  • you can include and use camel cased relationships by adding it to the array like with its exact name

    namespace App;
    use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
    use Kalshah\DynamicRelationsInclude\IncludeRelations;
    class Profile extends Model
        use IncludeRelations;
        protected $loadableRelationsCount = ['socialMediaAccounts'];
        public function socialMediaAccounts()
            return $this->hasMany(socialMediaAccount::class);

    and then including it using either www.example.com/profiles?include=social_media_accounts or www.example.com/profiles?include=socialMediaAccounts

Futher Explanations

  • Both loadableRelations and loadableRelationsCount arrays must be set on models which you want to to load their relations.
  • Both these array has been made to constrain which relations should be loaded, this to prevent dynamic loading of all relations which might hold sensitive data.


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