
Trait to easily adapt a Lumen/Laravel project for using NGINX secure link

v0.1-alpha 2021-02-04 15:48 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-05 00:49:26 UTC


Trait to easily adapt a Lumen/Laravel project for using NGINX secure link

Install & Setup

Require this package to your Lumen/Laravel project with composer;

Laravel / Lumen Setup

  2. Run php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Nginx\SecureLink\Providers\SecureLinkServiceProvider";
  3. Run php artisan config:clear.

Nginx Setup

You need to create a configuration to each route you want to keep signed. And before making any setup, remember to compile the source or run apt get install nginx-extras.

NGINX Configuration (usage example https://yourdomain.com/signed-route/file.zip)

        location /signed-route/ {
                secure_link $arg_md5,$arg_expires;
                secure_link_md5 "$secure_link_expires$uri$remote_addr NGINX_SECURE_LINK_SECRET";

                if ($secure_link = "") { return 403; }
                if ($secure_link = "0") { return 410; }


Explaining those environments

  1. NGINX_SECURE_LINK_SECRET is the "password" you gonna keep in the back-end. You must put it on your environment file AND in each nginx configuration;
  2. NGINX_SECURE_LINK_TTL is the time in seconds the generated secure_link will expire.

How to use

Add to your Eloquent Model a simple use \Nginx\SecureLink\Traits\WithSecureLink and you'll be ready, considering the attribute origin's called link. For example:

Model implementation

class ModelExample extends \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model
  use \Nginx\SecureLink\Traits\WithSecureLink;
  protected $fillable = ['link'];


$example = new ModelExample();
$secure_link = $example->secure_link;

Customizing the origin attribute

You can and should have the possibility to create the secure_link based on other model attributes. To do this, just override the protected property $secure_link_origin_attribute. For example:

Model implementation

class ModelExample extends \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model
  use \Nginx\SecureLink\Traits\WithSecureLink;
  protected $fillable = ['my_custom_url'];
  protected $secure_link_origin_attribute = 'my_custom_url';

Customizing the IP Provider

As this project were made to Lumen framework, it can have some failures when trying to catch the user Client IP. The reason for that is we're using the class Illuminate\Http\Request to reach the ip method. If you have any trouble with this, you can develop any class you want to with the same method and override the protected property $secure_link_ip_class_provider. For example:

IP Provider implementation

class IpProvider extends \Illuminate\Http\Request
  public function ip()
    return "the-right-ip";

Model implementation

class ModelExample extends \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model
  use \Nginx\SecureLink\Traits\WithSecureLink;
  protected $fillable = ['link'];
  protected $secure_link_ip_class_provider = IpProvider::class;