
A collection of utility functions to help do things faster with PHP.

1.2.3 2024-09-19 20:36 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-25 19:17:22 UTC



A collection of standalone utility functions to help do things faster with PHP.


Easy install with composer:

composer require jyoungblood/x-utilities
use VPHP\x;
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';



Sends a plain text or html email using the native PHP mail() function.

  'to' => 'recipient@domain.com',
  'from' => 'sender@example.com',
  'cc' => 'cc-address@example.com',  // optional
  'bcc' => 'bcc-address@example.com',  // optional
  'reply-to' => 'reply-address@example.com',  // optional
  'subject' => 'Send me an email',
  'html' => true,  // optional, message will be sent as plain text unless this is true
  'message' => 'Right now...<br /><br /><br /><b><u>RIGHT NOW</u></b>'

Messages can be sent using the Mailgun API if Mailgun credentials are available as environment variables like this:

$_ENV['MAILGUN_API_KEY'] = 'key-f453654gg65sd6234r6rw5df6544e';
$_ENV['MAILGUN_DOMAIN'] = 'notifications.example.com';

or in your project's .env file:



Returns the address of the computer making the current request.

echo x::client_ip();


Returns a lowercase URL-safe version of a given string, substituting - for spaces and punctuation.

echo x::url_slug('John User Name'); 
// john-user-name


Removes the protocol and trailing slashes from a given url, returning only the domain name.

echo x::url_strip('https://example.com/'); 
// example.com


Returns a valid URL, adding http:// if needed.

echo x::url_validate('example.com'); 
// http://example.com


The opposite of nl2br(), replaces <br /> (and <br>) html tags with newline (\n) character.

echo x::br2nl('This is a <br /> multi-line <br /> string!'); 
// This is a \n multi-line \n string!


Turns an array of strings into a single string, separated by a vertical bar (|) character.

echo x::array_encode(['Peter', 'Paul', 'Ringo', 'George']); 
// Peter|Paul|Ringo|George


Turns a string separated by a vertical bar (|) character into an array of strings.

$people = x::array_decode('Peter|Paul|Ringo|George');
// ['Peter', 'Paul', 'Ringo', 'George']

x::console_log($input, $parameters)

Prints an array, object, or string in a stylized DOM container. Input type is automatically detected, and optional parameters can be used to customize the style of the container.

Typical usage:

x::console_log(['example' => 'array']);

With optional parameters:

x::console_log(['example' => 'array'], [
  'format' => false, // removes all container formatting
  'style' => [ // defines custom styles for container formatting
    'font-size' => '16px',
    'background' => 'blue',
    'color' => 'yellow',
    'padding' => '2.5rem',
    'line-height' => '200%',
    'custom' => 'font-style: italic'

x::dd($input, $parameters)

Same as console_log(), but with with a die() function called afterward. The same parameters are available for styling the container. Yes, it's kinda like Laravel's dd() method.

x::dd(['example' => 'array']);

x::file_write($input, $target_filename, $parameters)

Appends a string, array, or object to a given file. Input type is automatically detected and converted to plain text. Optional parameters can be used to customize fopen() mode and newline behavior.

x::file_write('A string to append to a file', 'data.txt');

Using custom parameters:

  ['array_example' => 'An array to append to a file'], 
    'mode' => 'w+', // define PHP fopen mode, default is 'a'
    'line_beginning' => "\n- ", // prepend to beginning of input
    'line_ending' => "", // append end of input, default is PHP_EOL

x::error_log($input, $parameters)

Abstraction for the native PHP error_log() function, appends a timestamp with a given string, array, or object to an error_log file. Input type is automatically detected and converted to plain text.

x::error_log('Something bad happened.');