
Check the dutch BIG-register.

1.0.1 2020-10-05 12:01 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-05 23:54:07 UTC


Simple API to check BIG registration for a given registration number.


The Dutch government has a SOAP-API available to search/check information in the BIG-register. This PHP library is an easy way to verify if a given registration number has a valid registration. This way you know that the person linked to the unique registration number is allowed to practice medicine in the Netherlands.


Just include the library in your code.

composer require justdevs/big-register-check


Check for a specific BIG registration number

$number = "1234";
$search = new \JustDevs\BIGRegister\BigSearch($number);
$active = $search->allRegistrationsActive();

Or take a look at the generated Client \JustDevs\BigRegister\Client\PublicV4 for all methods that are available. The client was generated based on the WSDL that's available at: https://webservices.cibg.nl/Ribiz/OpenbaarV4.asmx?wsdl.

More information and documentation about the BIG register: https://www.bigregister.nl/zoek-zorgverlener/zoeken-eigen-systeem (in dutch).