
Vite front-end twig boilerplate

2.2.9 2024-08-14 17:08 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-14 18:28:45 UTC


This repository contains a frontend boilerplate made with Vite, SASS, Twig. It is shipped with some pre-made mixins, a configured SVG-Sprite setup and some image optimization functionalities. It also includes some great performance enhancement tools : Purge & Critical CSS.


  • node : >=16
  • yarn (or equivalent)


You can install with composer

$ composer create-project justdev/starter_frontend_twig "name"

Or standart from project folder

$ yarn install


Edit the config.js according to your needs.


  • rootDir: specify the project's root directory (where your index.html file is located). The specified path can be an absolute path or be relative to the location of the config.js file.
  • buildDir: specify the output directory (relative to the project's root).

Purge CSS

  • purgecss:
    • enable: boolean, toggle to activate or deactivate Purge CSS.
    • safeList: optional, an array of classes to add to the safelist. The safelist specifies the selectors which are safe to leave in the final CSS.

Critical CSS

  • critical:
    • enable: boolean, toggle to activate or deactivate Critical CSS.


  • imagemin: an object containing all image optimization configurations. For more information you can refer to vite-plugin-imagemin

HTML Minify

  • htmlMinify:
    • enable: boolean, toggle to activate or deactivate HTML Minify (uses Terser).
    • options: For a detailed look at the overall configuration options, please refer to html-minifier-terser,

HTML Beautify

  • htmlBeautify:
    • enable: boolean, toggle to activate or deactivate HTML Minify (uses Terser).
    • options: For a detailed look at the overall configuration options, please refer to


  • Images

Image files are located under src/assets/images/ You can convert all your .png and .jpg images to WebP format by using this command :

$ yarn webp

Example with a simple image

# image.src: path to your image (required)
# image.ext: image source extension (required)
# pictureClass: Class attribute for the picture element
# image.src_2x: path to the retina version of your image
# image.webp: set webp to true if you want to use your webp image converted

{% set img = {
	pictureClass: 'picture',
	image: {
		src: 'logo',
		src_2x: 'logo@2x',
		ext: 'png',
		webp: true,
		alt: 'Hero logo'
} %}

{{ image(img) }}
  • Fonts

Font files are located under src/assets/fonts/

  • Icons

Icons files are located under src/assets/icons, they are used to create a svg sprite. Feel free to use the icon twig template as a reference, it is located under :

# iconID is the name of your svg file (required)

{{ sprite('iconID') }}
  • Lazyloading

vanilla-lazyload is used to lazyload images and background images. Simply add lazy atribute on your image elements and data-bg="path/to/your/background" for background images.

  • Twig

Twig files are located under src/assets/templates. For twig modules or components, prefix the file name with _ to avoid html conversion.

Build Assets


Start a local development server with previous defined settings, default is https://localhost:8000/

$ yarn dev


Build all assets for production :

$ yarn build

Preview your production build :

$ yarn preview