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Adds extra assertions to Livewires tests to assert that things are bound in the view of components

1.0.3 2023-03-08 00:12 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-29 17:56:05 UTC


Livewire 2 view assertions

The current Laravel Livewire test functionalities for version 2 don't have assertions that allow you to check if a property or action form a Livewire component actually are bound to the view of a Laravel Livewire component.

With this package you'll get a couple of extra assertions you can use to do so. I've created a discussion and pull request too to the Livewire GitHub repository. So in the near feature, i hope that you can use these assertions directly from the Livewire package itself. Or just simply ask. I will then be abl

Installation instructions

Using composer: composer require julesgraus/livewire-view-assertions


In your tests, use the JulesGraus\LivewireViewAssertions\Livewire facade like so for example:

//Other imports here
use JulesGraus\LivewireViewAssertions\Livewire

class TestableLivewireViewBindingsTest extends TestCase
    public function test_asserts_all_properties_are_bound()
            ->assertPropertyBound('bar', 2);

Assertions overview

This package gives you the following assertions. If after reading their descriptions below, it still isn't clear on how to use them, please have a look at the tests in this package.


Assert that a property is bound using a wire:model attribute in the blade template of the component.

The first parameter must be the name of the property you want to check. The second parameter checks how often the property must be bound. If you omit it or set it to null, it will check if it is at least bound once.


Asserts that a property isn't bound using a wire:model attribute in the blade template of the component.

The first parameter must be the name of the property you want to check.


Assert that an action is bound using a wire:[dispatched browser event] attribute in the blade template of the component.

The first parameter must be the name of the action you want to check. The second parameter checks how often the action must be bound. If you omit it or set it to null, it will check if it is at least bound once.


Asserts that an action isn't bound using a wire:[dispatched browser event] attribute in the blade template of the component.

The first parameter must be the name of the action you want to check.