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Tools for cleaning old stuff up

1.0.0 2023-03-06 02:18 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-06 05:07:24 UTC


Cleans up old stuff.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require julesgraus/housekeeper

Make sure your root composer.json does contain a reference to the repository. Make sure you've set up a cron job on the server if you want to automatically trigger the housekeeper.


Make sure your housekeepable classes will implement the CanDoHouseKeeping interface from this pacakge:

class MyClass implements \JulesGraus\Housekeeper\Contracts\CanDoHouseKeeping {
    //Your regular methods and properties here.
    public static function doHousekeeping(OutputStyle $output) {
        //Put your houskeeping code here.

You can use the $output variable to write feedback about the housekeeping to the console. You can register your implementation to the housekeeper in a serviceprovider by passing it to the register method of the housekeeper:


Every day at 02:00, the housekeeper will trigger the doHousekeeping methods af all registered classes by default.

Running the housekeeper at a different time:

If you want to do run at a different time you can do so by using the housekeepers schedule command like so:

\JulesGraus\Housekeeper\Housekeeper::schedule(function(\Illuminate\Console\Scheduling\Event $command) {
    $command->twiceDaily(1, 13); //Run the task daily at 1:00 & 13:00

Manually running the housekeeper:

You can run php artisan housekeeper:run in your project root to manually run the housekeeper. This can be handy when testing.


Run tests by running this command in the root of the package.

composer test