
Intercept requests/responses at the route/MvcEvent::EVENT_ROUTE event and transform or use the request or response

dev-master 2015-03-23 03:13 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-11 15:29:45 UTC


Intercept requests/responses at the route/MvcEvent::EVENT_ROUTE event and transform or use the request or response.


Include the JuiceLib\FilterModule in application.config.php

'modules' => array(
    // your other modules

Create a juice.global.php file inside config/autoload. Alternatively you could add the filter config in any of your module's module.config.php

// juice.global.php
return array(
    'juice' => array(
        'filter' => array(
            'FilterProtection' => array(
        'filter_mapping' => array(
            'FilterProtection' => 'Protected\Filter\Namespace\MyFilter',

Create your filter class, in this case I'll call it MyFilter.php this has to match the filter mapping in the configuration.


namespace Protected\Filter\Namespace;

use JuiceLib\FilterModule\Filter\FilterInterface;
use Zend\Http\Request as HttpRequest;
use Zend\Http\Response as HttpResponse;
use Zend\Mvc\Application;

class MyFilter implements FilterInterface {

    public function processFilter(HttpRequest &$request, HttpResponse &$response, Application &$application)
      /** @var \Zend\Http\Header\HeaderInterface $authKeyHeader */
      $authKeyHeader = $request->getHeader('my-auth-key');

      if (!$authKeyHeader || $authKeyHeader->getFieldValue() != 'secret-password') {

          return $response;

In the previous example we are protected any path that starts with /protected/ by checking the my-auth-key header. This can also be used with sessions or other methods of authentication.

Additionally this can be used to add you own response headers for each response sent from the application that matches the filter's path.