
A light/fast CSV reader suitable for pretty large files.

1.0 2018-09-30 08:50 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-08 13:14:49 UTC



CSVReader is lightweight and fast CSV reader library for PHP 7.x that is suitable for large size files.

CSVReader was developed for business and e-commerce environments where large CSV files with possible corrupted data can be ingested.


  • Easy to use.
  • Small footprint (Read files as streams, so low memory is required).
  • Read files with different encodings.
  • Header column mapping based on string and number references.
  • Auto column mapping.
  • Support for different decimal separators (European ",", British ".").
  • Type casting.
  • Currency checking (Avoid to misinterpret corrupted or wrong currency values).
  • Detect and ignore empty lines.
  • Word segment extraction per column value.
  • Word deletion per column. value.
  • Column value replacement.
  • Value exclusion based on regular expression.


  • UTF-16 with BOM is not supported


Custom field map (For CSV with header)

    $csv = new \Juanparati\CSVReader\CSVReader(
        'file.csv',     // File path 
        ';',            // Column delimiter
        '"',            // Text enclosure
        'UTF-8',        // Charset
        ',',            // Decimal separator
        '\\'            // Escape character
    // Define a custom map
        'name' => ['column' => 'Firstname'],
        'price' => ['column' => 'Retailprice'],
    0   // Define where the head line. Default: 0 (first line)
    // Extract rows sequentially
    while ($row = $csv->readCSVLine())
        echo 'Name: ' . $row['name'];
        echo 'Price: ' . $row['price'];             

Custom field map (For CSV without header)

    $csv = new \Juanparati\CSVReader\CSVReader(
        'file.csv',     // File path 
        ';'             // Column delimiter
    // Define a custom map
        'name' => ['column' => 0],
        'price' => ['column' => 3],
    // Extract rows sequentially
    while ($row = $csv->readLine())
        echo 'Name: ' . $row['name'];
        echo 'Price: ' . $row['price'];             

Automatic field map

    $csv = new \Juanparati\CSVReader\CSVReader(
        'file.csv',     // File path 
        ';'             // Column delimiter
    // Define a custom map
    // Extract rows sequentially
    while ($row = $csv->readCSVLine())
        echo 'Firstname: ' . $row['Firstname'];
        echo 'Retailprice: ' . $row['Retailprice'];             

Column separators

Separators are set as string or constant representation.

Separators Constant
; \Juanparati\CSVReader\CSVReader::DELIMITER_SEMICOLON
, \Juanparati\CSVReader\CSVReader::DELIMITER_COMMA
\t \Juanparati\CSVReader\CSVReader::DELIMITER_TAB
^ \Juanparati\CSVReader\CSVReader::DELIMITER_CARET

It is possible to use all kind of separators so it is not limited to the enumerated ones.

String enclosures

Enclosure Constant
~ \Juanparati\CSVReader\CSVReader::ENCLOSURE_TILDES
" \Juanparati\CSVReader\CSVReader::ENCLOSURE_QUOTES
No enclosure \Juanparati\CSVReader\CSVReader::ENCLOSURE_NONE

Enclosure node is used when strings in CSV are not enclosed by any kind of character.

Decimal separators

Decimal separator Constant
. \Juanparati\CSVReader\CSVReader::DECIMAL_SEP_POINT
, \Juanparati\CSVReader\CSVReader::DECIMAL_SEP_COMMA

Column casting

It is possible to cast columns using the cast attribute.

      // Define a custom map
        'price' => ['column' => 'Retailprice', 'cast' => 'float'],

Available casts are:

  • int
  • integer (alias of int)
  • float
  • string

Remove characters from column

Sometimes is required to remove certain characters on a specific column.

      // Define a custom map
        'price' => ['column' => 'Retailprice', 'cast' => 'float', 'remove' => ['EUR', '€'] 

Replace characters from column

      // Replace "Mr." by "Señor"
        'name' => ['column' => 'Firstname', 'replace' => ['Mr.' => 'Señor'] 

Exclude flag

Sometimes is convenient to flag rows according to the column data.

      // Exclude all names that equal to John
        'name' => ['column' => 'Firstname', 'exclude' => ['John'] 

In this every time that column "name" has the word "John", the virtual column "exclude" will containe the value "true" (boolean).

The exclude parameter accepts regular expressions.

Apply stream filters

     $csv = new \Juanparati\CSVReader\CSVReader('file.csv');

File information

It is possible to get current pointer position in bytes calling to the "tellPosition" method. In order to obtain the file stat a call to the "info" method will return the file stat (See http://php.net/manual/en/function.fstat.php).

    $csv = new \Juanparati\CSVReader\CSVReader('file.csv');
    echo 'Current byte position ' . $csv->tellPosition() . ' of ' . $csv->info()['size'];
