
AssisterMicro is a little framework initiative.

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AssisterMicro Framework

AssisterMicro is a lightweight PHP framework specifically designed to facilitate the development of microservices. Its primary objective is to streamline the process of creating microservices by providing focused and essential functionalities, allowing developers to build efficient, robust, and scalable microservices with ease.

Key Features

  • Simplicity: AssisterMicro prioritizes simplicity, offering a minimalistic approach to building microservices, eliminating unnecessary complexities, and focusing on essential functionalities.

  • Efficiency: With a lightweight architecture, AssisterMicro ensures optimal performance and resource utilization, enabling the development of high-performance microservices.

  • Agility: The framework's design emphasizes agility, making it easier to update, modify, and scale microservices swiftly without compromising stability.

  • Security: By maintaining a small footprint, AssisterMicro reduces the potential attack surface, enhancing security and making it simpler to manage security aspects within microservices.

Why AssisterMicro?

  • Tailored for Microservices: AssisterMicro is purpose-built for microservices, providing just the right tools and functionalities required for developing these specialized, small-scale applications.

  • Developer-Friendly: Its straightforward architecture and clear design make AssisterMicro accessible and developer-friendly, enabling quick onboarding and smooth collaboration among team members.

  • Focused Functionality: Unlike larger frameworks, AssisterMicro focuses solely on essential functionalities needed in microservice development, ensuring a lean and efficient workflow.

Getting Started

To start using AssisterMicro and create your microservices, refer to the documentation for installation instructions, examples, and usage guidelines.

Here are step-by-step instructions in English to install the AssisterMicro framework using Composer:

1. Open a Terminal or Command Line Interface

Access your command-line interface or terminal application.

2. Run the composer require Command

Execute the following command to add the AssisterMicro framework to your PHP project. Make sure you are in the root directory of your project when running this command.

composer require juanma386/AssisterMicro

3. Wait for Composer to Install Dependencies

Composer will start searching for the AssisterMicro framework in the default repository and download it along with its required dependencies. Wait until the installation process completes.

4. Verify the Installation

Once Composer finishes installing the framework, you can confirm if the AssisterMicro framework has been successfully added to your project. Check the composer.json file in your project directory to ensure that the dependency has been included.

5. Utilize the Installed Framework

Now that the AssisterMicro framework has been installed, you can begin using its features and functionalities in your PHP project. Refer to the framework's documentation or resources to understand how to utilize its features within your code.

These steps will guide you through the process of installing the AssisterMicro framework via Composer and incorporating it into your PHP project.

The command you provided seems to run PHPUnit tests for the AssisterMicro framework with code coverage enabled. Here's a breakdown of the command:

php8.3 vendor/phpunit/phpunit/phpunit vendor/AssisterMicro/*/ --coverage-text -v

Explanation of the command:

  • php8.3: Specifies the PHP version (PHP 8.3 in this case) to be used to execute the PHPUnit tests.
  • vendor/phpunit/phpunit/phpunit: Points to the PHPUnit binary in the vendor directory.
  • vendor/AssisterMicro/*: Refers to the path where the tests for the AssisterMicro framework are located.
  • --coverage-text: Generates a text-based code coverage report after running the tests.
  • -v: Enables verbose mode, providing more detailed output during test execution.

This command is designed to execute PHPUnit tests for the AssisterMicro framework using PHP version 8.3 and output a text-based coverage report.

Please note that the success of this command depends on the presence of PHPUnit tests within the AssisterMicro framework and the proper configuration of PHPUnit for that specific framework.