
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Client for the Shopware 6 Management API

This package has no released version yet, and little information is available.


This is a client for the Shopware 6 Management RESTful API. Full documentation of the API can be found at https://docs.shopware.com/en/shopware-platform-dev-en/api.

Basic usage

use Jtl\Shopware6\Client\ApiClient;
use Jtl\Shopware6\Client\Entity\Product;

$clientSecret = 'OXZrRGF1TUFtQU11MHFWb0wwZXpYWHNtM3dKY3BiN0JTbkh0eUc';
$baseUri = 'https://my-fancy-shop.url';

$client = new ApiClient($clientId, $clientSecret, $baseUri);

// Get a specific entity
$product = $client->getEntity("c801ed62484c4381a4cd81fc26e141b9", Product::class);

// Get List of entities
$list = $client->getEntities(Product::class);

// Iterate over entities list as array
foreach($list as $uuid => $product) {
// ...Do something...

// Or check if an entity with specific uuid exists in the list and get it
if($list->hasEntity('awesomeUuid')) {
    $entity = $list->getEntity('awesomeUuid');

// Or get entities array without uuid as index
$entities = $list->toArray();

// Save (create/update) entity

// Delete entity

Sync Entities

Sync request allows to update / insert / delete multiple entities at once. https://docs.shopware.com/en/shopware-platform-dev-en/api/sync-api

use \Jtl\Shopware6\Client\Request\SyncItem;
use \Jtl\Shopware6\Client\Request\SyncRequest;

$items = [
    (new SyncItem(
    (new SyncItem(
    (new SyncItem(

$syncRequest = new SyncRequest(...$items);


Using filters / sort

Currently supported filters are RangeFilter and ValueFilter.


use Jtl\Shopware6\Client\Entity\Product;
use Jtl\Shopware6\Client\Request\Filter\AbstractFilter;
use Jtl\Shopware6\Client\Request\Filter\ValueFilter;
use Jtl\Shopware6\Client\Request\SearchRequest;
use Jtl\Shopware6\Client\Request\Sort;
use Jtl\Shopware6\Client\Request\Filter\RangeFilter;

// Set one or more filters
$searchRequest = new SearchRequest();
    new ValueFilter(AbstractFilter::TYPE_CONTAINS, 'customer_number', 'pre12-'),
    (new RangeFilter('related_field'))
        ->addParameter(RangeFilter::OPERATOR_GREATER_THAN_EQUAL, 0)
        ->addParameter(RangeFilter::OPERATOR_LESS_THAN, 50)

// Set one or more sort conditions
    new Sort('last_name','desc'),
    new Sort('first_name', 'asc')

$client->getEntities(Product::class, $searchRequest);

Saving entity translations

When saving entity translation you need to set it on translations property in current entity. In order to save translation entity translation object must have valid (UUIDv4) languageId property.

use Jtl\Shopware6\Client\Entity\Category;
use Jtl\Shopware6\Client\Entity\CategoryTranslation;
$category = $client->getEntity('828d0e14eee94eedbdff86b55d118f85', Category::class);

// directly change properties
$category->getTranslation($languageIdEn)->setName("Fancy product");
$category->getTranslation($languageIdDE)->setName("Jeiles Produkt");

// or create a new translation
$categoryTranslation = (new CategoryTranslation())
    //set required properties...
    ->setName("Another product")

//add/set translation depends on languageId 


Upload media files

Two steps are needed for uploading a new file:

  1. Create Media entity and save it
  2. Upload media data

File names are unqiue in Shopware 6. So you can't upload two different files with the same name. Use the "$renameIfNecessary" flag if you want to upload the file in any case.

use Jtl\Shopware6\Client\Entity\Media;

// Create media if you want to upload a new file 
$media = new Media();

// Save new media entity

// Or use an existing media if you want to replace a file
$mediaId = $media->getId();

// Upload media data directly from binary string
$client->uploadMedia($mediaId, 'unique_filename', 'png', file_get_contents('/path/to/file.png'));

// Or upload media data from a resource
$client->uploadMediaFromResource($mediaId, 'unique_filename', 'gif', $resourceHandle);

// Or upload media data from a file where original file name should be taken
$client->uploadMediaFromFile($mediaId, '/path/to/fancy.jpg');

// Or upload media data from a remote url
$client->uploadMediaFromUrl($mediaId, 'unique_filename', 'jpg', 'https://remote.url/to/fancy.jpg');

// Delete a specific media by deleting the related entity

Entity generator

For testing purposes we created an entity generator. You can generate entities with random values easily.

use Jtl\Shopware6\Client\Entity\Customer;
use Jtl\Shopware6\Client\Entity\Generator\CustomerFactory;

$customerFactory = new CustomerFactory();

/** @var Customer $customer */
$customer = $customerFactory->makeOne([
    'customerNumber' => 1