
PHP library for arrays with tableslike structure

v2.6.1 2022-01-19 13:15 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-26 23:15:09 UTC


PHP library for arrays with tableslike structure (V2.6.1)


  • Create from Array, JSON-String, CSV-String, Iterator or XML
  • Methods for column selection, row filtering and sorting
  • One file, no external requirements

Installation & loading


  • Code -> Download ZIP TableArray-master.zip
  • Extract zip to a new Folder

Of course, you can also copy the TableArray source code to your editor and save it.

use Jspit\TableArray;
require '/Path_to_Folder/TableArray.php';

var_dump(TableArray::VERSION);  //string(5) "2.6.1"

Install via Composer:


composer require jspit/tablearray
use Jspit\TableArray;
require '/Path_to_Composer_vendor_Folder/vendor/autoload.php';

var_dump(TableArray::VERSION);  //string(5) "2.6.1"


Simple example 1

$data = [ 
  ['id' => 1, 'val' => 23.333333333], 
  ['id' => 2, 'val' => 13.7777777777], 
$newData = TableArray::create($data) 
  ->select('id, FORMAT("%6.2f",val) as rval') 
  ->orderBy('val ASC')
$expected = [ 
  ['id' => 2, 'rval' => " 13.78"],
  ['id' => 1, 'rval' => " 23.33"],  
var_dump($newData == $expected); //bool(true)

Simple example 2

$data = [ 
  ['name' => 'A1', 'likes' => 3], 
  ['name' => 'A12', 'likes' => 6], 
  ['name' => 'A2','likes' => 14], 
  ['name' => 'A14','likes' => 7], 
$newData = TableArray::create($data)
  ->select('name AS class, likes') 
  ->orderBy('name ASC NATURAL') 

$expected = [ 
  ['class' => 'A1', 'likes' => 3], 
  ['class' => 'A2','likes' => 14], 
  ['class' => 'A12', 'likes' => 6], 
  ['class' => 'A14','likes' => 7], 
var_dump($newData === $expected); //bool(true)

Pivot Group example

$data = [ 
  ['group' => 1, 'type' => 'A', 'value' => 'AA'],
  ['group' => 2, 'type' => 'A', 'value' => 'BB'], 
  ['group' => 1, 'type' => 'B', 'value' => 5],
  ['group' => 2, 'type' => 'B', 'value' => 7], 
$newData = TableArray::create($data) 

$expected = [
  1 => ['group' => 1, 'value.A' => "AA", 'value.B' => 5 ],
  2 => ['group' => 2, 'value.A' => "BB", 'value.B' => 7 ],

CSV Import example

  'title => true',  //use first row as keys
$data = TableArray::createFromCsvFile('file.csv')

Example filterGroupAggregate

$data = [ 
  ['id' => "1",'group' => 1, 'value' => 2, 'value2' => 3], 
  ['id' => "2",'group' => 2, 'value' => 4, 'value2' => 7],
  ['id' => "3",'group' => 1, 'value' => 1, 'value2' => 2], 
  ['id' => "4",'group' => 2, 'value' => 6, 'value2' => 8],

$newData = TableArray::create($data)
  ->filterGroupAggregate(['value' => 'MAX', 'value2' => 'AVG'],['group'])
  ->orderBy('value2 DESC')

$expected = [ 
  ['id' => "4",'group' => 2, 'value' => 6, 'value2' => 7.5],
  ['id' => "1",'group' => 1, 'value' => 2, 'value2' => 2.5], 
var_dump($newData === $expected);  //bool(true) 

Data input methods

  • new TableArray ($dataArray,[$keyPathToData])
  • create ($dataArray,[$keyPathToData])
  • createFromJson ($jsonStr,[$keyPathToData])
  • createFromXml ($xml, [$strXPath])
  • createFromOneDimArray ($dataArray,[$delimiter])
  • createFromString ($inputString, [$regExValues,[$regExSplitLines]])
  • createFromGroupedArray($input, $keyArray)
  • createFromCsvFile([$file])

General Working methods

  • select
  • orderBy
  • innerJoinOn
  • leftJoinOn
  • flatten
  • merge
  • pivot
  • offset
  • limit
  • transpose
  • collectChilds

Filter methods

  • filter
  • filterEqual
  • filterLikeAll
  • filterLikeIn
  • filterUnique
  • filterGroupAggregate

Methods to fetch the data

  • fetchAll
  • fetchAllObj
  • fetchAllAsJson
  • fetchAllAsCSV
  • fetchKeyValue
  • fetchColumn
  • fetchColumnUnique
  • fetchGroup
  • fetchRow
  • fetchRaw
  • fetchLimit
  • fetchLimitFromEnd

Other methods

  • addFlatKeys
  • addKeys
  • fieldAsKey
  • firstRowToKey
  • addSqlFunction
  • addSqlFunctionFromArray
  • getSqlFunction
  • fieldNameRaw
  • setOption
  • getOption
  • setCsvDefaultOptions($options)
  • check($data)
  • unGroup($array, $keys)
  • count
  • toClass
  • print($comment,$limit)

Internal functions may be used by select and orderBy

  • ABS(fieldName)
  • UPPER(fieldName)
  • FIRSTUPPER(fieldName)
  • LOWER(fieldName)
  • TRIM(fieldName[,'character_mask'])
  • FORMAT('format',fieldName[,fieldName])
  • SCALE(fieldName,'factor'[,'add'[,'format']])
  • DATEFORMAT('dateFormat',fieldName)
  • REPLACE('search','replace',fieldName)
  • SUBSTR(fieldName,'start'[,'length'])
  • LIKE(fieldName,'likePattern')
  • INTVAL(fieldName,'basis')
  • FLOATVAL(fieldName,['dec_point', 'thousands_sep'])
  • NULLCOUNT(fieldName[,fieldName,..])
  • CONCAT(fieldName[,fieldName,..])
  • IMPLODE(arrayFieldName,['delimiter'])
  • SPLIT(fieldName[,'delimiter'[,'number']])


  • Iterator
  • JsonSerializable

Class Methods


Select rows for a fetch ->select('field1, field2,..') ->select('field1 as newName,..') ->select('fct(field1) as newName,..)

$data =[
  ['id' => 1, 'article' => "pc1", 'price' => 1231.0],
  ['id' => 1, 'article' => "pc2", 'price' => 471.5],

$newData = TableArray::create($data)
  ->select("article as Name, FORMAT('%.2f€',price) as Euro")
/* Result $newData
  ['Name' => "pc1", 'Euro' => "1231.00€"],
  ['Name' => "pc2", 'Euro' => "471.50€",

Sorts the array by one or more columns in ascending or descending order.

->orderBy('field1 [ASC|DESC][NATURAL], [field2..]')




Examples and Test



  • PHP 7.x