
A small MongoDB ODM

1.3.1 2019-04-18 07:01 UTC


JPC\MongoDB-ODM is a smart MongoDB-PHP mappers. It lets you to get your Object in PHP mapped into document in MongoDB. This library support last driver of mongodb available here.

See 'doc' folder for more details.


Install With Composer

In your console terminal :

php composer.phar require jpc/mongodb-odm:^1.3

Or in your composer.json :

    "require" : {
        "jpc/mongodb-odm" : "^1.3"

Create Mapping Class

Your class

To work with MongoDB-ODM, you need to see your class like a mongoDb document and define what you need :

  • an id
  • somes fields

You can create a simple object like this


namespace ACME\Model;

class MyDoc {

	private $id;

	private $field1

	private $field2;


Ok, you have your class. Now you have to tell to MongoDB-ODM which property match which field, and in which collection document are (and will be) stored.


For this, MongoDB-ODM use annotations. There is basics annotations to make a mapping that are in JPC\MongoDB\ODM\Annotations\Mapping:

  • Document : define the collection infos
  • Id : define the property that will match mongoDb _id field
  • Field : define a field mapping

Now, edit your object like this :


namespace ACME\Model;

use JPC\MongoDB\ODM\Annotations\Mapping as ODM;

 * @ODM\Document("my_collection")
class MyDoc {

	 * @ODM\Id
	private $id;

	 * @ODM\Field('my_first_field')
	private $field1

	 * @ODM\Field('my_second_field')
	private $field2;


Advanced Mapping

Ok, you have a simple document but it still to miss something... Maybe things like embedded documents. Don't worry, MongoDB-ODM support them!

Create your embedded class like the previous one :


namespace ACME\Model;

use JPC\MongoDB\ODM\Annotations\Mapping as ODM;

class MyEmbedded {

	 * @ODM\Field('one_field_emb')
	private $oneFieldEmb

	 * @ODM\Field('two_field_emb')
	private $twoFieldEmb;


You can now use two annotations to add embedded in the previous class :

  • EmbeddedDocument : Embed one document of specified type
  • MultiEmbeddedDocument : Embed an array of document of specified type

Modify the class MyDoc like this :


namespace ACME\Model;

use JPC\MongoDB\ODM\Annotations\Mapping as ODM;

 * @ODM\Document("my_collection")
class MyDoc {

	 * @ODM\Id
	private $id;

	 * @ODM\Field('my_first_field')
	private $field1

	 * @ODM\Field('my_second_field')
	private $field2;

	 * @ODM\Field('my_embedded_document')
	 * @ODM\EmbeddedDocument('ACME\Model\MyEmbedded')
	private $myEmbedded;


Get document

Get a document manager

You can easily create a document manager with the factory available in the library.

The factory has a method createDocumentManager that take mongo uri in first argument, and database name in second.

Now, create a document manager :


use JPC\MongoDB\ODM\Factory\DocumentManagerFactory;

$factory = new DocumentManagerFactory();
$factory->createDocumentManager("mongodb://", "my_db");

Get the repository

Now, you need to get the repository. Repository will allow you to get document from MongoDB.

To get Repository use the function getRepository method of document manager.

This is the method :

public function getRepository($modelName, $collection = null)

If $collection is null, MongoDB-ODM take the collection setted in the Document annotation of the model

In our case (With model configured in 2-create-mapping-class) :



$repository = $documentManager->getRepository("ACME\Model\MyDoc");

You can now simply find a document by using one of this functions of repository (See method declaration for more infos about methods):

public function find($id, $projections = [], $options = []);
public function findAll($projections = [], $sorts = [], $options = []);
public function findBy($filter, $projections = [], $sorts = [], $options = []);
public function findOneBy($filter = [], $projections = [], $sorts = [], $options = []);
public function findAndModifyOneBy($filter = [], $update = [], $projections = [], $sorts = [], $options = []);

Example :



$repository = $documentManager->getRepository("ACME\Model\MyDoc");

// NOTE: filter, projections, etc... can be property name or field name
$myDocument = $repository->findOneBy(["field1" => "my_field_value", "myEmbedded.oneFieldEmb" => "another_value"]);

Insert, update or remove a document

Insert a document

First, you have to create your object and insert data inside it :

$obj = new MyDoc();

Good! Now we want to store it in database. For this, you have to tell to MongoDB-ODM that your object have to be managed by him. By manage i mean that MongoDB-ODM will see if it has to insert, update or remove your object.

So, to do this, you need to persist your object.

Here is the persist function of document manager :

public function persist($object, $collection = null);

For our object :


Next step is tell to MongoDB-ODM that it has to save all changes of all managed object. For this, there is a function called flush, just call it.


Check your mongoDb collection, if it's empty, you probably make a mistake 😕

Update a document

Imagine that you have a lot of document in your collection and you want to update some of them.

First, you have to get the document that you want, like this :

$repo = $documentManager->getRepository("ACME\Model\MyDoc");
$docs = $repo->findBy(["field_1" => "value"])

Note : If you have inserted a document with persist and flush, it is ready for update, you don't need to get it from repository again

Now make some modification on them :

foreach($docs as $index => $doc){

This is really nice modification 😉

Now you just have to flush.

Note : Finded object from repositories are already persisted, you don't have to persist again


Remove a document

Removing is easy like updating

Get your document from repository and just say to document manager that it has to remove them and flush:

foreach($docs as $doc){


Additional information

Advantage of using update with MongoDB-ODM

Advantage of using MongoDB-ODM for update is that it will just update modified field and not the whole object.


If you make some modification on persisted object in your code and you don't want to store changes at next flush, you can unpersist it with the unpersist function :


If you want to unpersist all objects, use clear


GridFS Document

Create mapping for GridFS document

Your class need to inherit class JPC\MongoDB\ODM\GridFS\Document. This class define all default field of a gridFS document like md5, filename, etc... See this class for more details.

To add metadata to your doc, you need to use the Metadata annotations.

Here is an example :

namespace ACME\Model;

use JPC\MongoDB\ODM\Annotations\Mapping as ODM;
use JPC\MongoDB\ODM\GridFS\Annotations\Mapping as GFS;
use JPC\MongoDB\ODM\GridFS\Document;

 * @GFS\Document("my_gridfs_bucket")
class MyGridFSDoc extends Document {

     * @ODM\Field('my_meta_1')
     * @GFS\Metadata
    private $meta1;


Note that class Document annotation is provided from GFS and not by ODM namespace

Insert your document

Insert a document in gridFS is like insert a document in basic mongoDB collection.

Here's a full example :

$doc = new MyGridFSDoc();
$doc->setStream(fopen("my_file.txt", 'r'));


Collections Options

Collections options

When you create a model, you can specify more information on the Document annotion :


namespace ACME\Model;

use JPC\MongoDB\ODM\Annotations\Mapping as ODM;

 * @ODM\Document(
 *      "my_collection",
 *      "repositoryClass"="MyCustomRepositoryClass",
 *      "hydratorClass"="MyCustomHydratorClass",
 *      "capped"=true,
 *      "size"=536900000,
 *      "max"=1000
 * )
class MyDoc {

And you can set ReadConcern, ReadPreference, TypeMap and WriteConcern with the Option annotation (Don't forget the use) :


namespace ACME\Model;

use JPC\MongoDB\ODM\Annotations\Mapping as ODM;
use JPC\MongoDB\ODM\Annotations\CollectionOption as CO;

 * @ODM\Document(//...)
 * @ODM\Option(
 *      readConcern=@CO\ReadConcern("local"),
 *      readPreference=@CO\ReadPreference(
 *          \MongoDB\Driver\ReadPreference::RP_PRIMARY_PREFERRED,
 *          tagset={{"dc"="ny"}}
 *      ),
 *      typeMap={
 *          "root"="array",
 *          "array"="array",
 *          "document"="array"
 *      },
 *      writeConcern=@CO\WriteConcern(
 *          w="majority",
 *          timeout=500,
 *          journal=false
 *      )
 * )
class MyDoc {


Availabe events

How to use

To add event on your model class, you need to tell ODM that you want to use some event with HasLifecycleCallbacks annotation


namespace ACME\Model;

use JPC\MongoDB\ODM\Annotations\Mapping as ODM;
use JPC\MongoDB\ODM\Annotations\Event;

 * @ODM\Document("my_collection")
 * @Event\HasLifecycleCallbacks
class MyDoc {

You can now add some methods with events annotations


namespace ACME\Model;

use JPC\MongoDB\ODM\Annotations\Mapping as ODM;
use JPC\MongoDB\ODM\Annotations\Event;

 * @ODM\Document("my_collection")
 * @Event\HasLifecycleCallbacks
class MyDoc {

     * @Event\PreFlush
    public function updateTimestamp(){
        $this->date = time();