Packagist is the main Composer repository. It aggregates public PHP packages installable with Composer.
PSR7 Http Exception Handling Middleware
61 0
Feature flagging API used for operational rampups and A/B testing.
42 675 30 API library
92 2
Phalcon RESTful Webservice
14 57
Rajaongkir PHP Api Client
15 1
PHP 5.3+ Rest Client
5 327 3
PSR 7 routing middleware
18 0
Silex cache provider using doctrine cache
2 041 1
Silex Config Service Provider
197 0
Silex Fractal Service Provider
117 0
Silex Pimple Aware Symfony Event Dispatcher
194 0
MVC Silex Skeleton
21 1
Software Message Queue PHP Wrapper
16 1
Silex tactician service provider
3 223 3
slim framework backed by rocket booster
31 3
High Performance & Non-Blocking I/O PHP Web Framework
169 6