
Simple status field for Laravel Nova

0.0.3 2020-11-26 11:55 UTC

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Last update: 2024-05-26 20:28:13 UTC


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Simple status indicator using badge field.


This package uses:

So, make sure to check out the installation instructions on those packages first.


composer require joshua060198/nova-simple-status-with-enum


Index / Detail





  1. Create your enum class and apply MappableStatus trait.

    namespace App\Enums;
    use BenSampo\Enum\Enum;
    use Joshua060198\NovaSimpleStatusWithEnum\MappableStatus;
    final class CategoryStatus extends Enum
        use MappableStatus;
        const Active =   1;
        const NotActive =   0;
  2. MappableStatus trait provide a static function getMappedStatus() to get status mapping for css classes in Badge field. You can override this to your need. Important: you need to provide all mapping to getMappedStatus() function!

    namespace App\Enums;
    use BenSampo\Enum\Enum;
    use Joshua060198\NovaSimpleStatusWithEnum\MappableStatus;
    final class CategoryStatus extends Enum
        use MappableStatus;
        const Active =   1;
        const NotActive =   0;
        const MyCustomStatus = 2;
        public static function getMappedStatus() {
            $parent = static::$defaultMappedStatus;
            $new = [
                'My Custom Status' => 'bg-success-dark text-light'
            return array_merge($parent, $new);
  3. Apply it in resource

    // app/Nova/Order.php
    use Joshua060198\EditableStatusCard\EditableStatusCard;
    class Category extends Resource {
        public function fields(Request $request) {
            return [
                StatusView::make($this->status, CategoryStatus::class),



You need to pass the enum class that holds all of constant for your status. The next param is the same as regular nova fields.


    StatusForm::make(CategoryStatus::class, 'Custom Status', 'my_status')


There are two required params for this. The first one give the actual value for your status field, and the second one pass the enum class that holds all of constant.


    StatusView::make($this->my_custom_status, CategoryStatus::class, 'My Status')


  • This status field will split your constant variable by capital letter and displayed them with spaces. For example:

    final class CategoryStatus extends Enum
        const NotActive =   0;

    will be displayed as

    ScreenShot 3

  • You need to provide the mapping for your enum constant in getMappedStatus() function. For example, this would produce an error later:

    final class CategoryStatus extends Enum
        use MappableStatus;
        const FirstCustomStatus =   0;
        const AnotherStatus =   1;
        const Active = 2;

    You have to provide the mapping for FirstCustomStatus and AnotherStatus like this code:

    final class CategoryStatus extends Enum
        use MappableStatus;
        const FirstCustomStatus =   0;
        const AnotherStatus =   1;
        const Active = 2;
        public static function getMappedStatus() {
            $parent = static::$defaultMappedStatus;
            $new = [
                'First Custom Status' => 'custom-class',
                'AnotherStatus' => 'bg-dark text-light'
            return array_merge($parent, $new);
  • Default mapped status value are :

    public static $defaultMappedStatus = [
      'Active' => 'bg-success-light text-success-dark',
      'Warning' => 'bg-warning-light text-warning-dark',
      'Not Active' => 'bg-danger-light text-danger-dark',
      'Approved' => 'bg-success-light text-success-dark',
      'Waiting Approval' => 'bg-warning-light text-warning-dark',
      'Not Approved' => 'bg-danger-light text-danger-dark',
      'Delivered' => 'bg-success-light text-success-dark',
      'Delivering' => 'bg-warning-light text-warning-dark',
      'Not Delivered' => 'bg-danger-light text-danger-dark',
      'Paid' => 'bg-success-light text-success-dark',
      'Not Paid' => 'bg-danger-light text-danger-dark',


The MIT license.