
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Browse Jira issues in a calendar interface

v0.0.5 2016-06-24 19:11 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2020-01-22 03:51:54 UTC



Display Jira tickets in a calendar view for easier browser. (Uses issue create date)


  1. Laravel >= 5.2.27
  2. Composer


  1. Install via Composer 2. composer require josevh/jiracal
  2. Set environment variables 4. JIRACAL_PATH= 5. Path desired for calendar [default: jiracal] 6. http://app/**PATH** 4. JIRACAL_META_TITLE= 7. JIRACAL_URL= 8. JIRA url 8. JIRACAL_GUEST_USERNAME= 9. JIRA guest login 9. JIRACAL_GUEST_PASSWORD= 10. JIRA guest login
  3. Register service provider 5. add to config/app.php in providers array: 6. Josevh\JiraCal\JiraCalServiceProvider::class,
  4. Publish views and configs 8. php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Josevh\JiraCal\JiraCalServiceProvider"
  5. Done 10. View at http://app/**PATH** where PATH is configured in your .env from step 3
