
Phone Number Verification is a package that allows the user to verify their mobile number

v1.0.0-alpha 2020-11-10 17:30 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-11 22:52:34 UTC


Phone Number Verification is a package that allows the user to verify their mobile number as an extension to the dashboard functionality that Laravel and JetStream provides.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require jorgeanzola/phone-number-verification

After the package has been installed, run the migrations

php artisan migrate


To enable the verification process in your User model (Or your "verificable" model) you must

  1. Implement a MustVerifyPhoneNumber interface
  2. Use a MustVerifyPhoneNumber trait

for example

use JorgeAnzola\PhoneNumberVerification\Traits\MustVerifyPhoneNumber;
use JorgeAnzola\PhoneNumberVerification\Contracts\MustVerifyPhoneNumber as IMustVerifyPhoneNumber;

class User implements IMustVerifyPhoneNumber
    use MustVerifyPhoneNumber;

If you are using the default VerificationProvider: Twilio will be used as the SMS service, therefore you need to include the following environment variables




Verification provider

This is the class that will be used to send the verification code and to verify this token. By default, Twilio is used as a verification service. If you wish to replace the default provider make sure to implement the VerificationProvider interface as you should provide

public function sendVerificationToken(string $phoneNumber): bool;

public function verifyToken(MustVerifyPhoneNumber $user, string $verificationToken): bool;

public function markPhoneNumberAsVerified(MustVerifyPhoneNumber $user): bool;


To publish the configuration file you can execute the command

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="JorgeAnzola\PhoneNumberVerification\Providers\ServiceProvider" --tag=config

Configurable parameters

return [
    'from' => env('APP_NAME'),
    'verification_provider' => '\JorgeAnzola\PhoneNumberVerification\Providers\TwilioVerificationProvider',
    'twilio_auth_token' => env('TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN', null),
    'twilio_account_sid' => env('TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID', null),
    'twilio_verify_sid' => env('TWILIO_VERIFY_SID', null),
    'views' => true,
    'verify_phone_number_view' => 'phone_number_verification::verify-phone-number',
    'middleware' => ['web', 'auth'],
    'verify_token_middleware' => ['throttle:10:1'],
    'resend_token_middleware' => ['throttle:5:1'],
    'users_table' => 'users',
    'phone_number_column' => 'phone_number',
    'phone_number_verified_at_column' => 'phone_number_verified_at',

A more extensive explanation of each parameter could be found on the published file itself.

API Usage

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To publish the view files you can execute the command

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="JorgeAnzola\PhoneNumberVerification\Providers\ServiceProvider" --tag=views


To publish the migration files you can execute the command. If you're gonna change the migration, make sure the values on the configuration file match correctly.

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="JorgeAnzola\PhoneNumberVerification\Providers\ServiceProvider" --tag=migrations


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To publish the view files you can execute the command

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="JorgeAnzola\PhoneNumberVerification\Providers\ServiceProvider" --tag=lang


  • Write tests
  • Release stable version
  • Assure compatibility with Laravel < v8
  • API usage



Free Software, Hell Yeah!