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A port of Laravel 3's HTML class

v1.1.4 2013-03-08 10:37 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-23 04:56:32 UTC


This library was written by Meido, but is now maintained by JonoB

A port of Laravel 3's HTML class. Made to work with Laravel 4.


Composer Side

add "jonob/html": "1.1.*" to the require section of your composer.json so that it should look something the code below (you can, of course, include your own dependencies)

"require": {
	"jonob/html": "1.1.*"

Laravel Side

add the following code to the providers section of the app/config/app.php file


so that it'll look something like the following

'providers' => array(



and add the following code to the aliases section of the app/config/app.php file

'HTML' => 'Jonob\HTML\HTMLFacade',

so that it'll look something like the following

'aliases' => array(

	'HTML'       => 'Jonob\HTML\HTMLFacade',


after that, run composer install and start hacking on that beast.



  • Reverted e() shortcut helper as it's already in the Illuminate/Support (1.1.2)
  • Added e() shortcut method helper to HTML::entities() (1.1.1)
  • below are the changes made in 1.1.0
    • Facade and ServiceProvider are moved a folder up following Laravel 4's convention of developing packages.
    • dependencies version are changed to 4.0.x
    • macro are now available thanks to Maxime Fabre


  • tagged for stable. (1.0.0)
  • updated composer.json to stable channel. (1.0.1)
  • updated composer.json's require section to stable version. (1.0.2)
  • some API changes are made to follow simple function naming convention in laravel. (1.0.3)
    • HTML::link are now HTML::to
    • HTML::linkSecure are now HTML::secure
    • HTML::linkRoute are now HTML::route
    • HTML::linkAction are now HTML::action
    • HTML::asset and HTML::secureAsset are added back
  • added changelog section. (1.0.4)
  • updated Facade namespace. (1.0.5)
  • some tweaks are made. (1.0.6)
    • since HTML only requires UrlGenerator, parameters passed are updated.
    • hence, HTML would not be depending on illuminate/foundation in which none of it is actually used and will be using illuminate/routing instead where UrlGenerator resides.
  • version bump. (1.0.7)