
A single function, send(), which performs one HTTP request.

v1.0.1 2017-06-19 18:34 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-26 00:53:19 UTC


Send provides a single function, send(), which performs one HTTP request.


composer require jonathrg/send


Provide send() with an array defining your request to perform that request. The result is returned as a string.

Here is the simplest possible use-case, which retrieves the frontpage and prints it. You can test this by serving the repo and going to Send/examples/example.php on localhost.

require_once __DIR__.'path/to/vendor/autoload.php';

use function Send\send;

echo(send(['url' => '']));

Get stuff

// Get the webpage for and send some headers

$response = send([
    'url' => '',
    'headers' => $headers

Post stuff

// Post something to the webpage for

$response = send([
    'url' => '',
    'method' => 'POST',
    'data' => $data

Put and delete stuff

You can of course also put stuff and delete stuff by setting 'method' to 'DELETE' or 'PUT'.

Defining the request

send() takes one argument, which contains the data about your request. The only required field for the this argument is 'url' (which should be a valid URL). 'method' must be one of 'GET', 'POST', 'PUT' and 'DELETE', and is 'GET' by default. If you are sending a POST request, you should also populate the 'data' field with the POST fields.

If you want to, you can use the options accepted by curl_setopt. For convenience, the array keys can also be one of these "translations", and it will have the same effect:

    'url'                => CURLOPT_URL,
    'data'               => CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,
    'post'               => CURLOPT_POST,
    'get'                => CURLOPT_HTTPGET,
    'put'                => CURLOPT_PUT,
    'method'             => CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST,
    'timeout'            => CURLOPT_TIMEOUT,
    'timeout_ms'         => CURLOPT_TIMEOUT_MS,
    'connect_timeout'    => CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT,
    'connect_timeout_ms' => CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT_MS,
    'headers'            => CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER,
    'user_agent'         => CURLOPT_USERAGENT,
    'file'               => CURLOPT_INFILE,
    'file_size'          => CURLOPT_INFILESIZE,
    'no_body'            => CURLOPT_NOBODY,
    'fetch_headers'      => CURLOPT_HEADER

Optional error handling

If you want, you can provide a second argument which will contain a string with the error message returned by cURL:

$error = "";
$response = send($request, $error);
if ($error) {
    echo ($error);