
Advanced Custom Fields - Pages by Template add-on. Adds a field to select a page, filtered on pages of a specific template.

2.0.0 2014-10-02 10:26 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-23 01:19:24 UTC


Adds a field to select a page, filtered on pages of a specific template


This is an add-on for the Advanced Custom Fields WordPress plugin and will not provide any functionality to WordPress unless Advanced Custom Fields is installed and activated.

The Pages by Template field provides a new kind of field which allows you to choose pages based on their assigned templates (custom templates). When creating the field in ACF you may choose one or multiple templates to display pages from. You can also choose the ability to select one page or more in which the type will change between checkboxes and radio buttons.

The return value is one or more post objects. Display these in the same way you would a Relationship field or Post Object field.


This ACF field type is compatible with:

  • ACF 4


  1. Copy the acf-pages-by-template folder into your wp-content/plugins folder
  2. Activate the Pages by template plugin via the plugins admin page
  3. Create a new field via ACF and select the Pages by template type
  4. Please refer to the description for more info regarding the field type settings


Please see readme.txt for changelog