
MyArtJaub Translations Module for webtrees

dev-main 2023-02-12 10:13 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-19 22:36:48 UTC


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MyArtJaub Translation Tool Module

Administration module for webtrees to report the status of translations in MyArtJaub modules.



  • webtrees-mod-translationtool: MyArtJaub Translation Tool Module for webtrees
  • Copyright (C) 2016 to 2023 Jonathan Jaubart.
  • Derived from webtrees - Copyright (C) 2010 to 2023 webtrees development team.
  • Derived from PhpGedView - Copyright (C) 2002 to 2010 PGV Development Team.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

See the LICENSE included with this software for more detailed licensing information.


This module is a utility module to manage translations in MyArtJaub modules. It looks for strings to be translated in the different MyArtJaub modules and library and identify both the translations missing in the current language, as well as the translations declared in the modules, but without any apparent usage.

Being a utility module, it has a rather raw logic and design, adapted to my worklow, without any pretension to be universal or to cover all needs.

Jonathan Jaubart

System requirements

It is required to run at least PHP 7.2 to be able to run the webtrees-mod-translationtool module.

The module attempts to identify alls paths that would contain translation strings. To do so, it is looking in the resources folder of each module, but as well tries to load the paths used in the Composer class autoloader. To benefit the latter feature, the modules need to have been installed through Composer, and not just copied into the modules_v4 folder.

Installation / Upgrading

It is recommended to install and upgrade webtrees-mod-translationtool via Composer.

To install the module, run the command:

composer require jon48/webtrees-mod-translationtool --ignore-platform-reqs

(the --ignore-platform-reqs is necessary if the PHP platform defined in the composer.json is below PHP 7.2)

In order to update the package, run the command:

composer update jon48/webtrees-mod-translationtool --ignore-platform-reqs

Issues / Security

Issues should be raised in the GitHub repository for jon48/webtrees-mod-translation.

A security policy document has been issued for this repository.


General questions on the standard webtrees software should be addressed to the official forum

You can contact the author (Jonathan Jaubart) of the webtrees-mod-translationtool projects through his personal GeneaJaubart website (link at the bottom of the page), or raise in issue in Github.