
v1.1.1 2019-10-28 12:48 UTC


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An implement for singleton and some features.


  • PHP >= 5.6


using composer:

composer require johnroyer/php-easy-container

Simple Usage

Put whatever you want into container:

use \Zeroplex\Container\Container;

$c = new Container;

// set value as singleton
$c['pi'] = 3.14159;
$c['db'] = new PDO(

Get things out from container:

$c['pi'];  // 3.14159
$c['db'];  // object(PDO)


If you use ArrayAccess interfaces to access the data from container, container will treat them as sinleton, as example ablove.

You can also use method singleton() to put data into container:

$c->singleton('db') = new PDO(

$c->get('db');  // object(PDO)

You can also put a global variable into container:

$c->singleton('config') = new Config(
    APP_ROOT . '/config'


Late initialize

Sometimes, you are not sure if an DB connection should initialize while program start up. Maybe connect to DB when it is really needed is a better idea.

Use a Closure to let container known you want to initialize it later:

$c['db'] = function () {
    return new PDO(

$c->get('db');  // new PDO if and only if someone get it
                // object(PDO)


Container can contains things with states, can also contains things stateless. provide() method stores bussiness logic or workflow which is stateless.

$c->provide('pi', 3.14159265359);
$c['pi'];  // 3.14159265359

$c->provide('nowDate', function() {
    // always return special format of date
    return (new DateTime())
$c->['nowDate'];  // "2017-12-01"