
Images Gallery

Installs: 23

Dependents: 1

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 0

Watchers: 2

Forks: 0

Open Issues: 0



dev-master 2019-04-29 11:35 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-29 03:57:09 UTC


Images Gallery with react fronend


The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

Either run

php composer.phar require --prefer-dist johnproza/yii2-gallery "*"

or add

"johnproza/yii2-gallery": "*"

to the require section of your composer.json file.


Before using you must prepare database

php yii migrate --migrationPath=@vendor/johnproza/yii2-gallery/migrations 

Module setup

Insert into your config file

'modules' => [
    'news' => [
        'class' => 'oboom\gallery\Module',

Model usage

Insert into your model file (like behaviors)

public function behaviors()
    return [
            'class' => 'oboom\gallery\behaviors\AttachGallery',
            'mode'=>'multiple', // mode of upload ("single" or "multiple")
            'type' => 'news', // type of gallery (may be have a different string value)
            ] // size of thumbSize

Params / path setup

insert into your params-local.php file params for correct work

return [
    'uploadPath' => '/server/path/to/frontend/web',
    'webUrl' => [
        'back' => '',
        'front' => '',

Widget usage

Insert into your view file for upload images

use oboom\gallery\widgets\GalleryWidgets;
<?= GalleryWidgets::widget([
    'model'=>$items, // model 
    'type'=>'news', // type of gallery (may be have a different string value)
    'max'=>5, //max upload files
        'type'=>'single', // mode of upload ("single" or "multiple")
        'className'=>'avator-img' // css classname for custom stylization
]); ?>

Insert into your view file for output images

use oboom\gallery\widgets\GalleryWidgets;
<?= GalleryWidgets::widget([
    'model'=>$item['item'], // model
    'type'=>'news', // type of gallery (may be have a different string value)
    'show_main'=>true, // if you want to show main image for model
        'type'=>'showSingle', // if you want to show one image
]); ?>

Insert into your view file for output images into your custom view

use oboom\gallery\widgets\GalleryWidgets;
<?= GalleryWidgets::widget([
    'model'=>$item['item'], // model
    'type'=>'news', // type of gallery (may be have a different string value)
    'template'=>"@app/themes/base/views/dev/gallery", // path to your view
    'show_main'=>true, // if you want to show main image for model
        'type'=>'data', // if you want to show all images
]); ?>

custom view

<?if (!empty($data)):?>
        <?foreach ($data as $item) :?>
                <a href="<?=Yii::$app->params['webUrl']['front'].$item->path;?>">
                    <img src = "<?=Yii::$app->params['webUrl']['front'].$item->thumb_path;?>"  <?= $className!=null ? "class=".$className : false ;?> />