
dev-master 2016-03-24 16:55 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-10 08:35:37 UTC


A Behat 3.0 extension for WordPress development.


Add this repository to your composer.json. You should also add at least one mink driver (such as Goutte or Selenium2):

  "require-dev": {
    "johnpbloch/wp-behat-extension": "dev-master",
    "behat/mink-goutte-driver": "^1.2",
    "behat/mink-selenium-driver": "^1.2"

Then run composer update.


This extension assumes that you have the test environment already set up. It won't try to create a config file for you or drop/setup your database, or install WordPress for you. It assumes you already have a working installation of WordPress. It might be a good idea to have a snapshot of a test database that you can start from. You could then export a snapshot of the database before the tests run and restore it after they run:

wp db export pre-bdd-snapshot.sql
wp db import pre-bdd-snapshot.sql

To get behat loading WordPress, you must add the extension to your behat.yml file:

      path: '%paths.base%/wordpress'
      base_url: ''

The WP Behat extension needs a path parameter to be set telling it where to find WordPress core. This is how it will find and load wp-load.php. You also need to define the base url as part of the mink extension's parameters. The WordPress extension will use this to set global values that WordPress expects to be available (and which are very important when running in the context of multisite).

Once the extension is configured, add any contexts you want to in your suites:

        - JPB\WpBehatExtension\Context\WpContext
        - JPB\WpBehatExtension\Context\AuthenticationContext
        - Behat\MinkExtension\Context\MinkContext

The WP behat extension defines several Context objects that you can use. None of them extend Behat\MinkExtension\Context\MinkContext, so if you want that context, or if you want to use another package that does extend it, you can do so without conflicting with this package. Most contexts are defined as traits that are then imported into the contexts that need them. JPB\WpBehatExtension\Context\WpContext imports all contexts, so if you need all contexts, that will let you use them all at once. AuthenticationContext and MultisiteContext are not included in WpContext, so if you need to run tests that have steps dealing with authentication or multisite, you will need to include those too.

The current list of all contexts is:

  • JPB\WpBehatExtension\Context\WpContext
    • Contains all contexts except AuthenticationContext and MultisiteContext
  • JPB\WpBehatExtension\Context\AuthenticationContext
    • Steps:
      • @Given I am not logged in
      • @Given I am logged in as :username with :password
      • @Then I should be logged out
      • @Then I should be logged in
  • JPB\WpBehatExtension\Context\MultisiteContext
    • Steps:
      • @Given User :login is a super admin
  • JPB\WpBehatExtension\Context\UserContext
    • Steps:
      • @Given Users exist:
        • | login* | email | password | display_name | first_name | last_name | role |
        • User meta can be specified by prepending the meta key with meta_
  • JPB\WpBehatExtension\Context\PostContext
    • Steps
      • @Given Posts exist:
        • Use a table with the standard fields from wp_insert_post().
        • Add post meta by prefixing the meta key with meta_


This is probably pretty obvious, but when a mink driver makes web requests to your site, it will be happening in a different process from the step definitions. This means that in-memory-only operations made in a step definition (e.g. actions, filters, etc.) will not carry over into those web requests visiting pages on your test site.

The tests don't need to run in the same environment as the webserver running the test site, but they do need to be able to do things like access the database, have all the same extensions available, etc. For this reason, I simply find it much more convenient to run them in the same environment as the webserver. If you use VVV, you can use bin/vvv-setup to get selenium2 set up inside Vagrant as an upstart script. This will install firefox and xvfb and download the standalone selenium 2 server and run it as a background daemon managed by upstart (e.g. managed using sudo start selenium, etc.). The script will probably work on any debian-based machine, but I have only tested on VVV.

Emails can be a tricky thing. Because the step definitions don't share memory with the requests, if you haven't set the test environment up to intercept emails, there isn't any real way to turn them off from the tests. I prefer to always make sure I'm running mailhog on VVV and install the WP Mailcatcher plugin (mailhog is built to work the same way as mailcatcher, so the plugin for mailcatcher works exactly the same). Just be aware of the fact that you will be sending out emails if you haven't actively taken steps to ensure you don't. The same goes for any other actions you could take (e.g. newsletter signups, posts to social media, etc.).

Make sure you have dummy data that you can afford to lose. Make sure you're not using production API keys and accounts for third party services.


This work is based loosely on John Blackbourn's WordPress Behat Extension. If you need an extension that assumes you don't already have a site running, that one will probably be a better fit. You could theoretically still use this package alongside his package, as long as you don't load both extensions at once.
