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Display / Format prices in PHP

v2.0 2022-02-25 00:00 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-25 06:16:04 UTC


Display prices in PHP.


PHP 5.4+


Basic usage

Defaut settings are designed for Europeans, but you can change it, see Default options chapter.

use Johndodev\PriceFormatter;

// create an instance (see __construct chapter)
$priceFormatter = new PriceFormatter();

echo $priceFormatter->format(4); 
// display "4 €"

echo $priceFormatter->format(4, 'USD'); 
// display 4 $

echo $priceFormatter->format(4, '$'); 
// display 4 $

echo $priceFormatter->format(4, 'USD')->symbolBefore()->symbolSep('');
// display $4


All methods are chainable:

echo $priceFormatter->format($numberToFormat, $currency = null)

// remove trailing zeros if necessary: 5.00 output 5 but 5.50 output 5.50)

// set the symbol separator
->symbolSep(' ')

// set the decimals separator

// set the maximum number of decimals to show

// put the symbol after the value

// or before

// but you can define the position with a variable        

// set the thousands separator        

// remove trailing zeros (decimals), e.g.: 5.00 will output 5, 5.50 will output 5.5

// unbreakable spaces: replace " " by " "


You can create as many instances (aka services) as you want with their own defaut options (the next chapter is Default options)

PriceFormatter::__construct($options = [])

$euroFormatter = new PriceFormatter(['currency' => 'EUR']); 
$euroFormatter = new PriceFormatter(['currency' => '']); 

$usdFormatter = new PriceFormatter([
    'currency' => 'USD',
    'symbolPosition' => PriceFormatter::SYMBOL_POSITION_BEFORE,

Default options

You can set all thoses settings per instance, below are default values:

$priceFormatter = new PriceFormatter([
    'currency'          => 'EUR',
    'decimals'          => 2,
    'decSep'            => '.',
    'thousandsSep'      => '',
    'symbolPosition'    => PriceFormatter::SYMBOL_POSITION_AFTER,
    'symbolSep'         => ' ',
    'unbreakable'       => true,
    'trimTrailingZeros' => false,
    'autoTrailingZeros' => true,


// no spaces between currency and value
$priceFormatter = new PriceFormatter(['symbolSep' => '']);

// display 5€
echo $priceFormatter->format(5); 

// but all options can be overriden for one format()
echo $priceFormatter->format(5)->symbolSep(' ');
// display 5 €

echo $priceFormatter->format(5); 
// then display 5€ again

Currencies and symbols

You can use these code AUD $, CAD $, CHF CHF, CNY ¥, EUR €, GBP £, HKD $, JPY ¥, NOK kr, SEK kr, USD $.

If you want to format an unsupported currency, use the Symbol (

// 5 ฿
echo $priceFormatter->format(5, '฿'); 

Run tests

> composer install
> php vendor/bin/phpunit --testsuite PriceFormatter