
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.
There is no license information available for the latest version (1.0.1) of this package.

Creates an amazing user interface for upload media files and manage them

1.0.1 2015-10-05 10:52 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2017-08-11 09:01:04 UTC


##Easy eloquent media manager for Laravel 5.1 and Bootsrap 3.








Edit your required dependencies in composer.json: "joanvt/l5-media-manager": "dev-master"

####Step 1 - With CMD Composer execute: composer update

####Step 2 - Then, with CMD PHP execute: php artisan vendor:publish

####Step 3 - Now, just add the provider class in your config/app.php:


####Step 4 - Migrate the database. With CMD PHP execute: php artisan migrate

####Step 5 - Create your Media Model (You can use an Alias if you want difining it in config/app.php ):

namespace app\Models;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
class MyMediaClass extends Model {

    protected $table = 'media';
    protected $fillable = ['name','path','description','ext','gallery_id','status'];
    protected $guarded = ['id'];

####Step 6 - Create your view with our three methodes and include your query in "lists" method:

	{!! Joanvt\MediaManager\MediaManager::styles() !!}
	{!!  Joanvt\MediaManager\MediaManager::lists(Media::where('status','A')->orderBy('id','DESC'))  !!}
   	{!! Joanvt\MediaManager\MediaManager::scripts() !!}

####Step 7 - Create a Request validator (app/Http/Requests):


namespace app\Http\Requests;

use app\Http\Requests\Request;

class MediaFilesRequest extends Request {

    public function authorize() {
        return true;

    public function rules() {
    	return [
			'upl'	=> 'required|image|mimes:jpeg,bmp,png,gif|max:2000', // 2 Megas

    public function messages() {
        return [
        	'upl.required'				=>	'You have to upload some file',
      		'upl.max'				      =>	'2MB max size',
      		'upl.mimes'					  =>	'Not a valid file'

####Step 9 - Create your Ajax Controller like this and include your File Requester:


namespace app\Http\Controllers;

use Illuminate\Routing\UrlGenerator;
use Redirect;
use Auth;
use app\Http\Requests\MediaFilesRequest;
use app\Http\Requests\MediaFilesDeleteRequest;
use Config;
use File;
use Media;
use Image;

class AjaxController extends Controller {

    protected $url;

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------
    public function __construct(UrlGenerator $url) {

        $this->url = $url;

    public function index(MediaFilesRequest $request){

		$file = $request->file('upl');
			return abort(405);
			File::makeDirectory(public_path(Config::get('jmedia.upload_path')), 0777,true);
			File::makeDirectory(public_path(Config::get('jmedia.upload_path').'/'.Config::get('jmedia.thumbnail_directory')), 0777,true);
		$name = md5(uniqid()).$file->getClientOriginalName();
		$request->file('upl')->move(public_path(Config::get('jmedia.upload_path')), $name.'.'.$file->getClientOriginalExtension());
		$create = Media::create([
			'name' 			=> $name,
			'path' 			=> Config::get('jmedia.upload_path'),
			'description'	=> '',
			'ext'			=> $file->getClientOriginalExtension(),
			'status'		=> 'A'
		$width  = Config::get('jmedia.width_thumbnail');
		$height = Config::get('jmedia.height_thumbnail');
		$image = Image::make(Config::get('jmedia.upload_path').'/'.$name.'.'.$file->getClientOriginalExtension());
		$path = public_path(Config::get('jmedia.upload_path').'/'.Config::get('jmedia.thumbnail_directory'));
		return $create->toJson();
	public function delete_image(MediaFilesDeleteRequest $request){
		$error = [];
		$file  =Media::find($request->get('ref'));
		$width  = Config::get('jmedia.width_thumbnail');
		$height = Config::get('jmedia.height_thumbnail');
		$file_deleted = File::delete(public_path(Config::get('jmedia.upload_path').'/'.$file->name.'.'.$file->ext));
			// Once deleted the file, then we must delete the thumbnail
			$thumb_delete = File::delete(public_path(Config::get('jmedia.upload_path').'/'.Config::get('jmedia.thumbnail_directory').'/'.$file->name.$width.'x'.$height.'.'.$file->ext));
				$error['thumb'] = 'Thumbnail couldn\'t be deleted, delete it manually or check permissions.';
			$error['file'] = 'File couldn\t be deleted, try it manually or check permissions.';
		if(count($error) > 0){
			return $error->toJson();

####Step 10 - You can configure some parameters about the file uploading in config/jmedia.php:

 return [
	'upload_route'			=>	url('ajax/upload_files/'),
	'upload_path'			=>	'uploads/'.date('d-m-Y'),
	'thumbnail_directory'		=>	'thumbnails',
	'width_thumbnail'		=>	200,
	'height_thumbnail'		=>	200

####Step 11 - Create your route listeners (routes.php'

Route::post('ajax/upload_files', 'AjaxController@index');
Route::post('ajax/upload_files/delete', 'AjaxController@delete_image');


####Use .htaccess for avoid the execution of some binary files i.e: php_flag engine off

#####(Image Alias) Intervention dependency We use "intervention/image": "2.*" dependency for image manipulation. You can also use native PHP

#####Create an "isAjax" middleware

	<?php namespace app\Http\Middleware;
	use Closure;
	use Illuminate\Contracts\Routing\Middleware;
	use Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse;
	class isAjax implements Middleware {
		public function handle($request, Closure $next)
			if ($request->ajax()){
				return $next($request);
				return new RedirectResponse(url('/'));

#To-do List:

  -- Add Gallery (Table created but not implemented yet)