
Project to make database backups based on MySQL. Inspired and based on mysqldump-php library

1.0.0 2022-12-09 11:28 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-09 14:37:51 UTC


Project to make database backups based on MySQL. Inspired and based on mysqldump-php.

Try to create backup with a guided example

Call method create. This method required a instance of Connection. This class is a DTO with database required info (dsn, username and password):

    new Connection(
        ';dbname=myuser', 'myuser', 'password'

Complete example:

require_once './vendor/autoload.php';

use MyBackup\Backup;
use MyBackup\Connection;

    new Connection(
        ';dbname=mydb', 'myuser', 'password'
    dirname(__FILE__) . '/storage/dump.sql'

Anothers options to create a MySQL backup

Create with conditions

Mapping with tableName and SQL condition.

$tableConditions = array(
    'users' => 'date_registered > NOW() - INTERVAL 3 MONTH AND deleted=0',
    'logs' => 'date_logged > NOW() - INTERVAL 1 DAY',
    'posts' => 'isLive=1'

createWithConditions($connection, $storagePath, $tableConditions);

Create with limits

Mapping with tableName and row date limit.

$tableLimits = array(
    'users' => 300,
    'logs' => 50,
    'posts' => 10

createWithRateLimits(Connection $connection, $storagePath, $tableLimits);

Create complete backup

Create with table conditions and row date limits

createComplete(Connection $connection, $storagePath, $tableConditions, $tableLimits);

Trace log backup info

  • Define afeter backup create:
    function($table) {
            "Tabla " . $table->name() . " con un total de " . $table->rows() . " filas. \n"