
This plugin is a full REST client for Paypal's API. It implements all of the functions available through the Paypal REST API.

v0.1-alpha 2014-10-05 13:40 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-11 09:38:06 UTC


#CakePHP Paypal REST Client (PaypalSource)


This plugin is a full REST client for Paypal's API. It implements all of the functions available through the Paypal REST API.

Instead of using CURL, CakePHP's HTTPSocket class is used.


Alpha Version... Probably a good idea not to use this in production yet...

Documentation: Table of Contents

  1. Installation
  2. Configuration
  3. Usage


  1. Clone the repository into the app/Plugins/PaypalSource directory
cd app/Plugins  
git clone https://github.com/jlkaufman/cakephp-paypal-rest-client.git PaypalSource
  1. Install with composer
require": {
    "jlkaufman/cakephp-paypal-rest-client": "0.1-alpha"


In database.php add the following block and fill it out accordingly:

// Paypal
	public $Paypal = array(
		'datasource'     => 'PaypalSource.PaypalSource',
		'environment'    => 'sandbox', // Production: 'production'   SandBox: 'sandbox'
		'username'       => '',
		'password'       => '',
		'receiver_email' => ''


Including the Paypal Model in your controller

  • Add PaypalSource.Paypal to your $uses array.
    E.g.: public $uses = array('PaypalSource.Paypal');

    You can now call the model with $this->Paypal->method(); from your controller.

Notes about response returned

All the methods in the Paypal class will return an instance of StdClass. In the documentation we show the object in JSON form, simply for readability. You can access each member of the object using arrow notation.

Credit Card Payment

Credit card payments are easy to create. We can do one of two things; we can create a sale (a final payment), or we can authorize an amount that we will capture later.

  • $data will contain all the information we're going to send to Paypal

Credit Card:

$data = array(
	'credit_card' => array(
		"number"       => "4417119669820331",
		"type"         => "visa",
		"expire_month" => 1,
		"expire_year"  => 2018,
		"cvv2"         => "874",
		"first_name"   => "Joe",
		"last_name"    => "Shopper"
	'billing_address' => array(
		"line1"        => "52 N Main ST",
		"line2"        => "Apt. 211",
		"city"         => "Johnstown",
		"country_code" => "CA",
		"postal_code"  => "H0H 0H0",
		"state"        => "Quebec"
	'transaction' => array(
		"amount" => array(
			"total"    => "7.47",
			"currency" => "USD",
			"details"  => array(
				"subtotal" => "7.41",
				"tax"      => "0.03",
				"shipping" => "0.03"
		"description" => "This is the payment transaction description."

$response = $this->Paypal->creditCardPayment($data, $type);

Credit Card Token:

$data = array(
	'credit_card_token' => array(
		"credit_card_id" => "CARD-7VH15004HC811510SKEGDHDI"
	'transaction' => array(
		"amount" => array(
			"total"    => "7.47",
			"currency" => "USD",
			"details"  => array(
				"subtotal" => "7.41",
				"tax"      => "0.03",
				"shipping" => "0.03"
		"description" => "This is the payment transaction description."

$response = $this->Paypal->creditCardPayment($data, $type);             
  • $type can either be authorization or sale
    sale: A final sale, and will complete the transaction
    authorization: Authorize the card for the amount specified. We will have to capture the payment later.
Example response
   "id": "PAY-30J08441N2038343CKLJHKEA",
   "status": "approved",
   "created": "2014-01-12 10:57:20",
   "modified": "2014-01-12 10:57:29",
   "payment_method": "credit_card",
   "type": "authorize",
   "payer": {
      "billing_address": {
         "line1": "52 N Main ST",
         "line2": "Apt. 211",
         "city": "Johnstown",
         "state": "Quebec",
         "postal_code": "H0H 0H0",
         "country_code": "CA"
      "credit_card": {
         "type": "visa",
         "number": "xxxxxxxxxxxx0331",
         "expire_month": "1",
         "expire_year": "2018",
         "first_name": "Joe",
         "last_name": "Shopper"
      "id": "",
      "email": ""
   "approval_url": "",
   "transaction": {
      "amount": {
         "total": "7.47",
         "currency": "USD",
         "details": {
            "subtotal": "7.41",
            "tax": "0.03",
            "shipping": "0.03"
      "description": "This is the payment transaction description.",
      "sale": {
         "id": "",
         "parent_id": ""
      "authorization": {
         "id": "10V50318J8770814T",
         "created": "2014-01-12 10:57:20",
         "parent_id": "PAY-30J08441N2038343CKLJHKEA"
   "error": {
      "code": false

Capture an Authorization

To capture an authorization one must create the Authorization (Credit Card Payment with $type set to authorization) and get the Authorization ID from the response.

Here's an example of capturing an authorization:

$capture_data = array(
	'authorization_id' => '10V50318J8770814T',
	'currency'         => 'USD',
	'total'            => '7.47',
	'is_final_capture' => true

$response = $this->Paypal->captureAuthorization($data);
  • authorization_id is stored in the response object returned by Paypal::creditCardPayment() in $response->transaction->authorization->id
Example Capture Response
   "id": "2E448764JU789501Y",
   "status": "completed",
   "created": "2014-01-12 10:57:30",
   "modified": "2014-01-12 10:57:42",
   "payment_method": null,
   "type": "capture",
   "payer": {
      "billing_address": {
         "line1": "",
         "line2": "",
         "city": "",
         "country_code": "",
         "postal_code": "",
         "state": ""
      "credit_card": {
         "number": "",
         "type": "",
         "expire_month": "",
         "expire_year": "",
         "first_name": "",
         "last_name": ""
      "id": "",
      "email": ""
   "approval_url": "",
   "transaction": {
      "amount": {
         "total": "7.47",
         "currency": "USD"
      "description": null,
      "sale": {
         "id": "",
         "parent_id": ""
      "authorization": {
         "id": "",
         "created": ""
   "error": {
      "code": false

Void an Authorization

There are all sorts of reasons one would void an authorization (client canceled the transaction, some other reason that would mean you shoudln't be charging them, whatever).

To void an authorization one must create the Authorization (Credit Card Payment with $type set to authorization) and get the Authorization ID from the response.

Here's an example of voiding an authorization:

$data = array(
	'authorization_id' => '2073151243457584H'

$response = $this->Paypal->voidAuthorization($data);
  • authorization_id is stored in the response object returned by Paypal::creditCardPayment() in $response->transaction->authorization->id
Example Response
   "id": "2073151243457584H",
   "status": "voided",
   "created": "2014-01-12 14:36:48",
   "modified": "2014-01-12 14:37:00",
   "payment_method": null,
   "type": null,
   "payer": {
      "billing_address": {
         "line1": "",
         "line2": "",
         "city": "",
         "country_code": "",
         "postal_code": "",
         "state": ""
      "credit_card": {
         "number": "",
         "type": "",
         "expire_month": "",
         "expire_year": "",
         "first_name": "",
         "last_name": ""
      "id": "",
      "email": ""
   "approval_url": "",
   "transaction": {
      "amount": {
         "total": "7.47",
         "currency": "USD",
         "details": {
            "subtotal": "7.41",
            "tax": "0.03",
            "shipping": "0.03"
      "description": null,
      "sale": {
         "id": "",
         "parent_id": ""
      "authorization": {
         "id": "",
         "created": ""
   "error": {
      "code": false

Refund a sale

Sometimes it's necessary to refund a transaction. To refund a sale one must first create the Sale (Credit Card Payment with $type set to sale) and get the Sale ID from the response.

$data = array(
	'payment_id' => '3XX41928KR179661L',
	'currency'   => 'USD',
	'total'      => '7.47'

$response = $this->Paypal->refundPayment($data);
  • payment_id is stored in the response object returned by Paypal::creditCardPayment() in $response->transaction->sale->id
Example Response
   "id": "7FN74449PP796325P",
   "status": "completed",
   "created": "2014-01-13 16:31:24",
   "modified": "2014-01-13 16:31:24",
   "payment_method": null,
   "type": "refund",
   "payer": {
      "billing_address": {
         "line1": "",
         "line2": "",
         "city": "",
         "country_code": "",
         "postal_code": "",
         "state": ""
      "credit_card": {
         "number": "",
         "type": "",
         "expire_month": "",
         "expire_year": "",
         "first_name": "",
         "last_name": ""
      "id": "",
      "email": ""
   "approval_url": "",
   "transaction": {
      "amount": {
         "total": "7.47",
         "currency": "USD"
      "description": null,
      "sale": {
         "id": "",
         "parent_id": ""
      "authorization": {
         "id": "",
         "created": ""
   "error": {
      "code": false