
Convenient OOP interface to SQL databases

0.2.1 2016-05-07 08:27 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-11 17:06:57 UTC


This package defines a convenient object-oriented interface to SQL databases and SQL statements, built on top of PHP's PDO library. While PDO already provides a unified, object-oriented API supporting multiple SQL drivers, this library offers an API which is easier to use, adding some extra helper methods and providing better error handling. It makes parameter binding less painful in particular.

This package is part of Jitsu.


Install this package with Composer:

composer require jitsu/sqldb


All classes are defined under the namespace Jitsu. The database-related classes are defined under Jitsu\Sql.


Here's an example:

use Jitsu\Sql\Database;
use Jitsu\Sql\MysqlDatabase;

$search_term = $_GET['query'];

// Connect to the database
$db = new MysqlDatabase('localhost', 'my_database',
                        'my_user', 'my_password');
// Run a query with named parameters
$stmt = $db->query(<<<SQL
  select `name`, `description`
  from `packages`
  where `description` like :pattern
  order by `description` = :term desc
  , [
    'pattern' => '%' . Database::escapeLike($search_term) . '%',
    'term' => $search_term

// Iterate over results
foreach($stmt as $row) {
  echo $row->name, ': ', $row->description, "\n";

$user_id = $_SESSION['user_id'];

// Get a single record using a positional parameter
$user = $db->row(<<<SQL
  select `first_name`
  from `users`
  where `id` = ?
  , $user_id);
echo "Welcome back, ", $user->first_name, "\n";

// Get the first column of the first row
$exists = $db->evaluate(<<<SQL
  select exists(
    select 1
    from `bookmarks`
    join `packages` on `bookmarks`.`package_id` = `packages`.`id`
    where `bookmarks`.`user_id` = ?
    and `packages`.`name` = ?
  , $user_id, $search_term);
if($exists) {
  echo "You have already bookmarked this package.\n"
} else {
  echo "You have not bookmarked this package.\n";

This package also defines a database plugin for the jitsu/app package. Including the trait \Jitsu\App\Databases in your application class adds a database method which can be used to configure a database connection for your application to use. The request handler which this database method registers adds a database connection object to the request $data object. This database object comes with a twist – it is lazily loaded, meaning that the database connection will not be established until one of the object's methods is used. This makes it easy to configure a database connection for multiple request handlers in your application to use, but to avoid making that connection when your application routes to a handler which does not need the database at all (such as a page-not-found handler).

The database method accepts two arguments: the name of the property on the request $data object which the connection object will be assigned to, and the configuration options, which are defined in an array. For the second argument, the database method will accept either an array or the name of a property on the $data->config object. By default, this is the same as the first argument. The first argument also defaults to 'database'.

A quick example:

class MyApp extends \Jitsu\App\Application {
  use \Jitsu\App\Databases;
  public function initialize() {
    $this->database('database', [
      'driver'     => 'mysql',
      'host'       => 'localhost',
      'database'   => 'my_database',
      'user'       => 'my_user',
      'password'   => 'shhhhhhh',
      'persistent' => true
    $this->get('count-users', function($data) {
      $count = $data->database->evaluate('select count(*) from `users`');
      echo "There are $count users. Honestly, that's $count more than I expected.\n";
    $this->notFound(function($data) {
      $data->response->setStatusCode(404, 'Not Found');
      echo "Nothing to see here. No database connection made.\n";


class Jitsu\Sql\Database

An object-oriented interface to a SQL database.

This is essentially a useful wrapper around the PDO library.

new Database($driver_str, $username = null, $password = null, $options = array())

Connect to a database upon construction.

Type Description
$driver_str string A PDO driver string.
$username `string null`
$password `string null`
$options array An optional array of PDO options.
throws \Jitsu\Sql\DatabaseException

$database->query($query, $args,...)

Execute a SQL query.

Executes a one-shot query and returns the resulting rows in an iterable Statement object. The remaining parameters may be used to pass arguments to the query. If there is only a single array passed as an additional argument, its contents are used as the parameters.

For example,

$stmt = $db->query($sql_code);
$stmt = $db->query($sql_code, $arg1, $arg2, ...);
$stmt = $db->query($sql_code, $arg_array);
foreach($stmt as $row) { $row->column_name ... }
Type Description
$query string The SQL query.
$args,... mixed Arguments to be interpolated into the query. If a single array is passed, its contents are used as the arguments.
returns \Jitsu\Sql\Statement
throws \Jitsu\Sql\DatabaseException

$database->queryWith($query, $args)

Same as query, but arguments are always passed in a single $args array.

$query string
$args array
returns \Jitsu\Sql\Statement
throws \Jitsu\Sql\DatabaseException

$database->row($query, $args,...)

Return the first row of a query and ignore the rest.

$query string
$args,... mixed
returns \Jitsu\Sql\Statement
throws \Jitsu\Sql\DatabaseException

$database->rowWith($query, $args)

Like row, but arguments are always passed in an array.

$query string
$args array
returns \Jitsu\Sql\Statement
throws \Jitsu\Sql\DatabaseException

$database->evaluate($query, $args,...)

Return the first column of the first row and ignore everything else.

$query string
$args,... mixed
returns \Jitsu\Sql\Statement
throws \Jitsu\Sql\DatabaseException

$database->evaluateWith($query, $args)

Like evaluate, but arguments are always passed in an array.

$query string
$args array
returns \Jitsu\Sql\Statement
throws \Jitsu\Sql\DatabaseException


Execute a SQL statement.

If called with arguments, returns a Statement. Note that the number of affected rows is available via Statement->affectedRows(). If called with no arguments, returns a StatementStub object instead, which provides only the affectedRows() method.

$query string
$arg,... mixed
returns \Jitsu\Sql\QueryResultInterface
throws \Jitsu\Sql\DatabaseException

$database->executeWith($statement, $args)

Like execute, but arguments are always passed in an array.

$query string
$args array
returns \Jitsu\Sql\QueryResultInterface
throws \Jitsu\Sql\DatabaseException


Prepare a SQL statement and return it as a Statement.

$statement string
returns \Jitsu\Sql\Statement
throws \Jitsu\Sql\DatabaseException


Escape and quote a string value for interpolation in a SQL query.

Note that the result includes quotes added around the string.

$s string
returns string
throws \Jitsu\Sql\DatabaseException

Database::escapeLike($s, $esc = '\\')

Escape characters in a string that have special meaning in SQL "like" patterns. Note that this should be coupled with an ESCAPE clause in the SQL; for example,

"column" LIKE '%foo\%bar%' ESCAPE '\'

A \ is the default escape character.

$s string
$esc string
returns string


Get the ID of the last inserted record.

Note that the result is always a string.

Type Description
returns string A string, which you will most likely want to cast to an integer.
throws \Jitsu\Sql\DatabaseException


Begin a transaction.

Note that uncommitted transactions are automatically rolled back when the script terminates.

throws \Jitsu\Sql\DatabaseException


Determine whether a transaction is active.

returns bool


Roll back the current transaction.

throws \Jitsu\Sql\DatabaseException


Commit the current transaction.

throws \Jitsu\Sql\DatabaseException


Run a callback safely in a transaction.

If the callback throws an exception, the transaction will be rolled back, and the exception will be re-thrown.

$callback callable
throws \Exception


Get a database connection attribute.

The name passed should be a string (case-insensitive) and correspond to a PDO constant with the PDO::ATTR_ prefix dropped.

Possible names are:

  • autocommit
  • case
  • client_version
  • connection_status
  • driver_name
  • errmode
  • oracle_nulls
  • persistent
  • prefetch
  • server_info
  • server_version
  • timeout
$name string
returns mixed
throws \Jitsu\Sql\DatabaseException

$database->setAttribute($name, $value)

Set a database connection attribute.

Uses the same attribute name convention as attribute. The value should be a string (case-insensitive) corresponding to a PDO constant with the PDO::ATTR_ prefix dropped.

$name string
$value mixed
throws \Jitsu\Sql\DatabaseException


Generate a mapping of all attribute names and values.

returns array
throws \Jitsu\Sql\DatabaseException


Get a list of the available database drivers.

returns string[]


Get the underlying PDO connection object.

returns \PDO


Set the fetch mode.

The fetch mode determines the form in which rows are fetched. Use the PDO::FETCH_ constants directly. The default, PDO::FETCH_OBJ, causes rows to be returned as stdClass objects with property names corresponding to column names.

Type Description
$mode mixed A PDO::FETCH_ constant.


Get the fetch mode.

returns mixed

class Jitsu\Sql\MysqlDatabase

Extends Database.

Specialization of Database for MySQL.

new MysqlDatabase($host, $database, $username, $password, $charset = 'utf8mb4', $options = null)

Type Description
$host string Host name.
$database string Database name.
$username string Username.
$password string Password.
$charset string Character set used by the connection. The default is utf8mb4, which supports all Unicode characters encoded in UTF-8.
$options `array null`

class Jitsu\Sql\SqliteDatabase

Extends Database.

Specialization of Database for SQLite.

new SqliteDatabase($filename, $options = null)

Connect to a SQLite database.

Note that this always enables foreign key constraints. If for some strange reason you actually want to turn this off, you can run

$db = new SqliteDatabase('foo.db');
$db->execute('pragma foreign_keys = off');
Type Description
$filename string Name of the database file.
$options `array null`

class Jitsu\Sql\Statement

An object-oriented interface to a prepared or executed SQL statement.

This is a convenient wrapper around the PDO statement class.

new Statement($stmt, $mode = \PDO::FETCH_OBJ)

Construct a SQL statement object.

Optionally specify a fetch mode, which determines the form in which rows are fetched. Use the PDO::FETCH_ constants directly. The default is PDO::FETCH_OBJ, which causes rows to be returned as stdClass objects with property names corresponding to column names.

$stmt \PDOStatement
$mode mixed

$statement->bindOutput($col, &$var, $type = null, $inout = false)

Bind a result column to a variable.

The column can be 1-indexed or referenced by name.

$stmt = $db->prepare('select id, name from users');
$stmt->bind_output('name', $name);
foreach($stmt as $row) echo $name, "\n";

A type may optionally be specified. The following values may be passed as strings:

  • bool
  • null
  • int
  • str
  • lob (large object)

The $inout parameter specifies whether the column is an INOUT parameter for a stored procedure.

$col `int
$var mixed
$type `string
$inout bool

$statement->bindInput($param, &$var, $type = null, $inout = false)

Bind an input parameter of a prepared statement to a variable.

The parameter can be 1-indexed or referenced by name (include the colon).

Example 1:

$stmt = $db->prepare('select id, name from users where phone = ?');
$stmt->bind_input(1, $phone);
$phone = '5551234567';

Example 2:

$stmt = $db->prepare('select id, name from users where phone = :phone');
$stmt->bind_input(':phone', $phone);
$param `int
$var mixed
$type `string
$inout bool

$statement->assignInput($param, $value, $type = null, $inout = false)

Assign a value to an input parameter of a prepared statement.

If $type is null, the appropriate type is used based on the PHP type of the value.

$param `int
$value mixed
$type `string
$type bool


Assign an array of values to the inputs of a prepared statement.

For named parameters, pass an array mapping names (no colons) to values. For positional parameters, pass a sequential array (0-indexed). A positional parameter array may be passed as a single array argument or as a variadic argument list.

$stmt = $db->prepare('select * from users where first = ? and last = ?');
$stmt->assign('John', 'Doe');
$values,... mixed


Like assign, but arguments are always passed in an array.

$values array

$statement->execute($values = null)

Execute this statement, optionally providing a 0-indexed array of values.

The values array may be convenient in simple cases, but it only works for positional parameters and casts all values to the SQL string type ('str'). A more flexible alternative is to call assign beforehand.

$values `array

$statement->evaluate($values = null)

Equivalent to running $this->execute() and returning $this->value().

$values `array
returns mixed


Ignore the rest of the records returned by this statement so as to make it executable again.


Return the first row and ignore the rest.

If there are no records returned, return null.

Note that this won't work with some fetch modes.

returns mixed


Return the first cell of the first row and ignore anything else.

If no records are returned, return null.

returns mixed


Return the number of columns in the result set, or 0 if there is no result set.

returns int


Return the number of rows affected by the last execution of this statement.

returns int


Return all of the rows copied into an array.

returns mixed[]


Return all of the rows passed through a function and copied into an array.

The columns of each row are passed as positional parameters to the function.

$callback callable
returns mixed[]


Advance to the next set of rows returned by the query, which is supported by some stored procedures.







Print debugging information to stdout.

returns $this

class Jitsu\Sql\StatementStub

Implements QueryResultInterface.

A query result consisting only of the number of affected rows.

new StatementStub($affected_rows)


interface Jitsu\Sql\QueryResultInterface


The number of rows affected by the SQL statement.

returns int

class Jitsu\Sql\DatabaseException

An exception class for database-related errors.

new DatabaseException($msg, $errstr, $code = null, $state = null, $sql = null)

Construct a database exception object.

Type Description
$msg string A descriptive error message.
$errstr string The error string returned by the database driver/library.
$code `int null`
$state `int null`
$sql `string null`


Get the SQL engine's error code.

returns `int


Get the SQL state abbreviation.

returns `string


Get the error string reported by the database driver.

returns `string


Get the SQL code which caused the error.

returns `string


Return a suitable string representation of the database error.

returns string

trait Jitsu\App\Databases

Mixin for Jitsu\App\Application which adds configurable database connection functionality.

$databases->database($data_prop = 'database', $config = null)

The configuration settings should be defined in an array. The following keys are recognized:

  • driver: The name of the SQL software used by the database. Either 'sqlite' or 'mysql'. Mandatory.
  • persistent: Whether to use persistent database connections. Default is false.
  • host: (MySQL) The name of the host hosting the database.
  • database: (MySQL) The name of the MySQL database.
  • user: (MySQL) The name of the MySQL user used to log in.
  • password: (MySQL) The password used to log in.
  • charset: (MySQL) The character set used by the connection. Default is 'utf8mb4', which supports all Unicode characters encoded in UTF-8.
  • file: (SQLite) The name of the database file.
Type Description
$data_prop string Name of the property on $data where the database connection object will be assigned. By default, it is assigned to $data->database.
$config `array string