A simple Laravel Cart.

dev-main 2021-11-12 16:54 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-12 22:26:55 UTC


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We require PHP 8.

Install the package.

composer require jimmitjoo/cart

Publish the config and migrations.

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=laravel-cart

You may configure your own models for Cart and CartItem.

To make this work you need to implement contracts for both models.

By default we expect both the Cart and CartItem model to use Uuids as identifiers.

class Cart extends Model implements CartContract 
    use UsesUuids;
class CartItem extends Model implements CartItemContract 
    use UsesUuids;

Create a new Cart

For example, you can create a new Cart for a user that for some reason doesn't already got a cart.

To use a new cart you should store the ID, which is a uuid string, of the cart somewhere. $cart->id

$cart = (new CreateCartAction)->execute();

Create a new Cart with attributes

For example you can create a Cart belonging to a specific User of your system.

$cartData = new CartData((int) $userId);

$cart = (new CreateCartAction)->execute($cartData);

You can add a note to a cart as well. For example a note can tell you from where the Cart was created or something other important. Typehints just to clarify what type is expected by the CartData object.

$cartData = new CartData((int) $userId, (string) $note);

$cart = (new CreateCartAction)->execute($cartData);

Add a product to your Cart

So there are a number of ways to do this.

Purchasable is a trait you can add to any model you want your users to be able to purchase.

$cart->addToCart(Purchasable $purchasable, int $amount = 1, int $discount = 0);

You can chain multiple product additions.

->addToCart(Purchasable $purchasable)
->addToCart(Purchasable $purchasable);

Or you can specifically create a CartItem by yourself by attaching the cart ID.

$cartItemData = new CartItemData(
    1, // Amount of products.
    300, // Current price (minus discount) of the product.
    100, // The discount,
    'Personalized product', // Custom product name
    null, // You could add a purchasable id here
    null, // And the purchasable type here
    $this->cart->id, // Add this item to a cart

$cartItem = (new AddCartItemToCartAction)->execute($cartItemData);

Update a cart item

$cartItem = CartItem::find($existingItemId);

$cartItemData = new CartItemData(
    1, // Amount of products.
    88, // Current price (minus discount) of the product.
    12, // The discount,
    'Updated product name', // Custom product name
    null, // You could add a purchasable id here
    null, // And the purchasable type here
    null, // We don't need to specify the cart on update...
    $cartItem->id, // ID of the item to update

$cartItem = (new UpdateCartItemAction)->execute($cartItemData);

Remove a cart item

$cartItemToRemove = CartItem::find($existingItemId);

(new RemoveCartItemAction)->execute($cartItemToRemove);