
Mailer component as wrapper over SwiftMailer for Phalcon.

v3.0.0 2017-09-29 16:01 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-01-09 14:41:53 UTC


Mailer wrapper over SwiftMailer for Phalcon.


Install composer in a common location or in your project:

curl -s http://getcomposer.org/installer | php

Create the composer.json file as follows:

	"require": {
		"jimigrunge/phalcon-mailer": "~3.0"

Run the composer installer:

php composer.phar install

Add in your the code




$config = [
    'driver' 	 => 'smtp',
    'host'	 	 => 'smtp.gmail.com',
    'port'	 	 => 465,
    'encryption' => 'ssl',
    'username'   => 'example@gmail.com',
    'password'	 => 'your_password',
    'from'		 => [
    		'email' => 'example@gmail.com',
    		'name'	=> 'YOUR FROM NAME'

Warning If you are using GMAIL and get error ...Username and Password not accepted... or password incorrect, please using password token (how get token?) and fix in configuration


  'username' => 'example@gmail.com',
  'password' => 'your_password_token',



$config = [
    'driver' 	 => 'sendmail',
	'sendmail' 	 => '/usr/sbin/sendmail -bs',
    'from'		 => [
    	'email' => 'example@gmail.com',
    	'name'	=> 'YOUR FROM NAME'



$mailer = new \Phalcon\Ext\Mailer\Manager($config);

$message = $mailer->createMessage()
		->to('example_to@gmail.com', 'OPTIONAL NAME')
		->subject('Hello world!')
		->content('Hello world!');

// Set the Cc addresses of this message.

// Set the Bcc addresses of this message.

// Send message


Warning If you want to use as a template engine VOLT (.volt), please setup "view" service according to the official docs Phalcon

 * Global viewsDir for current instance Mailer\Manager.
 * This parameter is OPTIONAL, If it is not specified, 
 * use DI from "view" service (getViewsDir)
$config['viewsDir'] = __DIR__ . '/views/email/';

$mailer = new \Phalcon\Ext\Mailer\Manager($config);

// view relative to the folder viewsDir (REQUIRED)
$viewPath = 'email/example_message';

// Set variables to views (OPTIONAL)
$params [ 
	'var1' => 'VAR VALUE 1',
	'var2' => 'VAR VALUE 2',
	'varN' => 'VAR VALUE N',

 * The local path to the folder viewsDir only this message. (OPTIONAL)
 * This parameter is OPTIONAL, If it is not specified, 
 * use global parameter "viewsDir" from configuration.
$viewsDirLocal = __DIR__ . '/views/email/local/';

$message = $mailer->createMessageFromView($viewPath, $params, $viewsDirLocal)
		->to('example_to@gmail.com', 'OPTIONAL NAME')
		->subject('Hello world!');

// Set the Cc addresses of this message.

// Set the Bcc addresses of this message.

// Send message


  • mailer:beforeCreateMessage
  • mailer:afterCreateMessage
  • mailer:beforeSend
  • mailer:afterSend
  • mailer:beforeAttachFile
  • mailer:afterAttachFile