Ichi PHP MVC Framework

Installs: 15

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 0

Watchers: 1

Forks: 0

Open Issues: 0


1 2024-02-24 07:17 UTC

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Last update: 2024-05-06 15:41:36 UTC


ICHI PHP FRAMEWORK is the fast and secure MVC PHP framework.


This framework is Open Source According to MIT license

Table Of Contents


composer create-project jijihohococo/ichi:dev-master your_project


First, You must create .env file under your project folder. And then you must declare your real database name, database username and password in this .env file.

You can see how to set the data in .env.example under your project folder.

In your .env file


You can run the app from public path

your_project/public > php -S localhost:8000



You can add your route in 'web' function of "routes/web.php".

If you want to add another route file, create new route file under "routes" folder. And then you must add new function like 'web.php'.

function new_routes($route){


Then you must use your new route file in 'app/Kernel.php';

namespace App;

use JiJiHoHoCoCo\IchiRoute\Router\Route;

require_once __DIR__ . '/../routes/new_routes.php';

class Kernel{

	public function run(){
		$route=new Route;


Above code is highlighting the things in adding new route file.

You can use this docuementation for the route functions in detail.


You can create middleware for routes in command line.

php ichi make:middleware NewMiddleware

The Middleware Class will be created under 'app/Middleware' folder.

You can use this documentation for the middleware functions in detail.


You can add another database connection in "app/Kernel.php" as shown as this documention .

You can create model in command line.

php ichi make:model NewModel

The Model Class will be created under 'app/Models' folder.

Example Model

namespace App\Models;

use JiJiHoHoCoCo\IchiORM\Database\Model;

class NewModel extends Model{

	public $id , $name , $created_at , $updated_at , $deleted_at ;


You can use this documentation to use Model in detail


You can create Controller in command line.

php ichi make:controller NewController

The Controller Class will be created under 'app/Controllers' folder.

For more detail, use this documentation .


You can create View Component Class in command line.

php ichi make:component ViewComponent

The View Component Class will be created under 'app/Components' folder

You can return view in the route or controller's function

Without Controller

	return view('welcome.php');

With Controller

namespace App\Controllers;

class HomeController{

	public function welcome(){
		return view('welcome.php');


You must create view PHP file under 'resources/views' folder.

For more detail, use this documentation.


You can validate the input data in your controller class

namespace App\Controllers;

use JiJiHoHoCoCo\IchiValidation\Validator;
class TestController{

	public function test(){

		$validator=new Validator();
			'name' => 'required' ,
			'age' => 'required|integer' ,
			'email' => ['required','email']
			return view('test.php');



You can call your validation error messages in your view php file

<?php if(isset($errors['name'])): ?>
<?php echo $errors['name']; ?>
<?php endif; ?>

For more detail, use this documentation.