
Library of shapes to calculate their area and perimeter

v1.2.1 2019-01-02 04:21 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-04 16:46:34 UTC


Library of shapes to calculate their area and perimeter.

Composer install command

composer require jhumayun/shapes


The shapes class can be loaded in two ways

  1. Method 1: using namespace of the class
  2. Method 2: using ShapeFactory object (Recommended)

Loading shape using namespace

    // Require Autoloader
    require_once '../vendor/autoload.php';

    // Namespaces of the shapes in use
    use jhumayun\Shapes\shapes\Circle;
    use jhumayun\Shapes\shapes\Square;

        $circle_params = array(
        $Circle = new Circle($circle_params);
        echo "<pre>Parameters of Circle: ".print_r($Circle->getParams() ,1)."</pre>";
        echo "<pre>Radius = 10</pre>";
        echo "<pre>Circle Perimeter: ".print_r($Circle->calculatePerimeter() ,1)."</pre>";
        echo "<pre>Circle Area: ".print_r($Circle->calculateArea() ,1)."</pre>";

        echo "<pre>Radius = 2</pre>";
        echo "<pre>Circle Perimeter: ".print_r($Circle->calculatePerimeter() ,1)."</pre>";
        echo "<pre>Circle Area: ".print_r($Circle->calculateArea() ,1)."</pre>";
        $square_params = array(
        $Square = new Square($square_params);
        echo "<pre>Parameters of Square: ".print_r($Square->getParams() ,1)."</pre>";
        echo "<pre>Side = 1</pre>";
        echo "<pre>Square Perimeter: ".print_r($Square->calculatePerimeter() ,1)."</pre>";
        echo "<pre>Square Area: ".print_r($Square->calculateArea() ,1)."</pre>";
    catch(\Exception $e){
        die('Caught exception '.$e->getMessage());

Loading Shape using ShapeFactory Class

    require_once '../vendor/autoload.php';
    use jhumayun\Shapes\core\ShapesFactory;

        $factory = new ShapesFactory();
        $circle_params = array(
        $Circle = $factory::create('Circle'); // instentiating without parameters
        echo "<pre>Parameters of Circle: ".print_r($Circle->getParams() ,1)."</pre>";

        $Circle = $factory::create('Circle', $circle_params); // instentiating with parameters
        echo "<pre>Radius = 10</pre>";
        echo "<pre>Circle Perimeter: ".print_r($Circle->calculatePerimeter() ,1)."</pre>";
        echo "<pre>Circle Area: ".print_r($Circle->calculateArea() ,1)."</pre>";

        echo "<pre>Radius = 2</pre>";
        echo "<pre>Circle Perimeter: ".print_r($Circle->calculatePerimeter() ,1)."</pre>";
        echo "<pre>Circle Area: ".print_r($Circle->calculateArea() ,1)."</pre>";

        $square_params = array(
        $Square = $factory::create('Square', $square_params);
        echo "<pre>Parameters of Square: ".print_r($Square->getParams() ,1)."</pre>";
        echo "<pre>Side = 1</pre>";
        echo "<pre>Square Perimeter: ".print_r($Square->calculatePerimeter() ,1)."</pre>";
        echo "<pre>Square Area: ".print_r($Square->calculateArea() ,1)."</pre>";
    catch(\Exception $e){
        die('Caught exception '.$e->getMessage());

Method Description

MethodDescriptionReturn Type
getNameget Name of the shapestring
getDimensionsget dimensions of the shapenumeric
getParamsget parameter structure of the shapearray
setParamset value of single parameter of the shapevoid
calculatePerimetercalculate Perimeter of the shapenumeric
calculateAreacalculate Area of the shapenumeric

Adding a new Shape

Each shape extends ShapesBase Class which is an abstract class, and the ShapesBase implements ShapesTemplate. All the core functions are already defined in ShapesBase Class therefore new shape will need to define only constructor, calculatePerimeter method, calculateArea method.

Lets say, name of your new shape is myShape then you need to add a file myShape.php into 'src\shapes' directory as following.


namespace jhumayun\Shapes\shapes;

use jhumayun\Shapes\core\ShapesBase;

class myShape extends ShapesBase{

    protected $Name = 'myShape';

    protected $Dimensions = '2';

    protected $valid_params = array(
        'p1' => 'where p1 is the perameter 1 of myShape',
        'p2' => 'where p1 is the perameter 2 of myShape'

    public function __construct($params){
        parent::__construct($this->Name, $this->Dimensions, $params);

    public function calculatePerimeter(){
        // assume that formula of Perimeter of myShape is p1+p2
        $res = floatval($this->Params['p1']['value']) + floatval($this->Params['p2']['value']);
        return number_format($res,2,'.','');

    public function calculateArea(){
        // assume that formula of Perimeter of myShape is p1*p2
        $res = floatval($this->Params['p1']['value']) * floatval($this->Params['p2']['value']);
        return number_format($res,2,'.','');