
Create attribute options for building select, radio, checkbox. Validate form with your attributes.

v1.1.1 2015-11-12 05:13 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-11-23 19:32:41 UTC


Create attribute options for building select, radio, checkbox. Validate form with your attributes.



Add the following to composer.json, and do composer update.

"require": {
    "jhesyong/laravel-attribute": "~1.0"

Service Provider

Add the following to the app config

'providers' => [


Add the following to the app config

'aliases' => [
    'Attr'      => Jhesyong\Attribute\Facades\Attr::class,

Create Attributes

To make a class an attribute, use the AttributeTrait and define the getOptions() method.

namespace Acme;

use Jhesyong\Attribute\AttributeTrait;

class MammalAnimal
    use AttributeTrait;

    protected function getOptions()
        return ['cat' => 'Cat', 'dog' => 'Dog', 'elephant' => 'Elephant'];

Then, register your attributes in your application. You can do the following in service provider's boot() method.

// Registered as "mammal_animal" by default
$this->app['attr']->register(new \Acme\MammalAnimal);

// To specify the name, pass the name to the register method.
$this->app['attr']->register(new \Acme\MammalAnimal, 'animal');

Or register via the facade.

Attr::register(new \Acme\MammalAnimal);


You can use all public methods in the AttributeTrait. Also, you can also define your own methods and then they can be called via the facade. The facade forwards the method call to the attribute specified in the first argument. The rest arguments are passed the attribute method.

Has Key

// return true
Attr::hasKey('mammal_animal, 'cat');

// return false
Attr::hasKey('mammal_animal, 'bird');


// return 'Cat'
Attr::label('mammal_animal', 'cat');

Hash Array

// Useful for building select, radio, checkbox, etc.
// return ['cat' => 'Cat', 'dog' => 'Dog', 'elephant' => 'Elephant']

// To add an empty option, pass true as the second argument.
// return ['' => 'Please Select', cat' => 'Cat', 'dog' => 'Dog', 'elephant' => 'Elephant']
Attr::hashArray('mammal_animal', true);

// To customize the empty message, pass it as the third argument.
// return ['' => '---Please Select---', cat' => 'Cat', 'dog' => 'Dog', 'elephant' => 'Elephant']
Attr::hashArray('mammal_animal', true, '---Please Select---');

Pair Array

// return [['label' => 'Cat', 'value' => 'cat'], ...];

// To add an empty option, pass true as the second argument.
Attr::pairArray('mammal_animal', true);

// To customize the empty message, pass it as the third argument.
Attr::pairArray('mammal_animal', true, '---Please Select---');


// return ['cat', 'dog', 'elephant'];


You can validate the form input to be an attribute option. Use attr as the rule name.

'animal_type' => 'required|attr:mammal_animal',


Sometimes you may want to get different options according to the certain condition. For example, you want to get options from database and filter options by some column value.

You can change getOptions() to getOptions($context = null) and return different options according to the $context. For example,

class Fruit
    use AttributeTrait;

    protected function getOptions($context = null)
        $category = [
            'sour' => ['lemon' => 'Lemon', 'grape' => 'Grape', 'kiwi' => 'Kiwi'],
            'sweet' => ['banana' => 'Banana', 'apple' => 'Apple'],

        if (array_key_exists($context, $category)) {
            return $category[$context];

        return array_reduce($category, 'array_merge', []);

To get the options, pass the context first. The context only effects the next method call.


To validate data, add the context after the attribute name.

'sweet_fruit' => 'required|attr:fruit,sweet',