jfadich / eloquent-resources
Easily generate JSON responses for Laravel 5.1+
- php: >=7.3
- illuminate/console: 5.*|6.*|7.*
- illuminate/database: 5.*|6.*|7.*
- illuminate/http: 5.*|6.*|7.*
- illuminate/support: 5.*|6.*|7.*
- league/fractal: ^0.19.0
Requires (Dev)
- phpunit/phpunit: ^6.1
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-02-12 10:20:14 UTC
Eloquent resources provides Laravel integration for the thephpleague/Fractal package.
Fractal utilizes transformers to add a layer between your database schema and your API responses. Each model should have a transformer to define the how it should be represented in your API.
Eloquent resources integrates Fractal wil Laravel and adds a few helper methods to help transform models. It also adds
the artisan command to quickly generate new transformers. When nested relationships are requested to be included
It can also automatically eager load fractal includes and parse the parameters to apply the proper sort
and order
query constraints.
Fractal can be verbose. This is the code to create transformed data using an eloquent model and a fractal transformer.
public function lastesPost()
$fractal = new League\Fractal\Manager();
$post = App\Post::latest()->first();
$transformer = new App\Transformers\PostTransformer();
$resource = League\Fractal\Resource\Item($post, $transformers);
$data = $fractal->createData($resource, $transformer)->toArray();
return response()->json($data);
Eloquent Resources will handle the Fractal manager for you.
public function lastesPost()
$post = Post::latest()->first();
return $this->respondWithItem($post);
Install the package using composer.
$ composer require jfadich/eloquent-resources
Add the service provider to the $providers
array in app.php
If you wish to make and customizations publish the config config to config/eloquent-resources.php
with this command.
$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="jfadich\EloquentResources\Providers\LaravelServiceProvider"
Add Eloquent Resources to your controller
Update your base controller in simply add the RespondsWithResources
trait to your base controller
or any controller that you with to use Eloquent Resources.
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use Illuminate\Routing\Controller as BaseController;
use jfadich\EloquentResources\Traits\RespondsWithResources;
class Controller extends BaseController
use RespondsWithResources;
##Using Eloquent Resources
Eloquent resources provides the respondWithItem()
and respondWithCollection()
to easily transform a model or
collection of models. Simply provide the model and a callback. The callback will be given to
Fractal to create the resources and then return a JsonResponse.
public function index()
return $this->respondWithCollection(Post::all(), function($post) {
return [
'title' => $post->title,
'body' => $post->body,
'created' => $post->created_at->getTimestamp(),
'updated' => $post->updated_at->getTimestamp()
The above example will produce the following json.
"data": [
"title": "Example Post",
"body": "This is the post body.",
"created": 1493604602,
"updated": 1493604602
Using an anonymous function like the above example can quickly get redundant. It is recommended that you use a transformer to make this code reusable.
Every model that has a transformer must implement the jfadich\EloquentResources\Contracts\Transformable
The required methods can be included using the jfadich\EloquentResources\Transformable
It's recommended to add this contract to a BaseModel
that the rest of your transformable models extend.
namespace App;
use jfadich\EloquentResources\Contracts\Transformable as TransformableContract;
use jfadich\EloquentResources\Traits\Transformable;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
class BaseModel extends Model implements TransformableContract
use Transformable;
For the rest of these examples let's use a Post
namespace App;
class Post extends BaseModel
public function author()
return $this->hasOne(Author::class);
If you pass a query builder object from your controller, it can also sort, paginate the results. Eloquent Resources will automatically grab the corresponding callback for the model.
// This can be any query builder method like `Post::where('published', true);` or scope like `Post::latest()`
$posts = App\Post::query();
return $this->respondWithCollection($posts);
Making Transformers
To make a new transformer for Post
execute the following command.
$ php artisan make:transformer PostTransformer --model=Post
This will generate a new model class in app\Transformers\PostTransformer.php
namespace App\Transformers;
use jfadich\EloquentResources\Transformer;
use App\BlogPost;
class PostTransformer extends Transformer
public function transform(Post $post)
return [
See the Fractal docs on included data for the basics of how included data on transformers works.
To make a property on the model available for inclusion add it to the $availableIncludes
property on your transformer.
class PostTransformer extends Transformer
protected $availableIncludes = ['author']
When using Fractal transformers you must define includeAuthor()
method. This package will do this for you.
It can automatically retrieve any eloquent relationship and use the relevant transformer.