
Notifications is a Laravel package that offers a comprehensive solution for displaying notifications in your application. It provides predefined components and styles for showcasing success messages, errors, warnings, and informative messages in an appealing manner. With this package, you can easily

1.0.0 2023-05-29 11:26 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-29 14:14:49 UTC


Notifications is a Laravel package that provides a comprehensive solution for displaying notifications in your application. It offers predefined components and styles to showcase success messages, errors, warnings, and informative messages in an appealing manner.


  • Display success, error, warning, and informative notifications.
  • Customize the notification type, associated icon, and displayed message.
  • Seamless integration with Font Awesome and Bootstrap Notify for a sleek experience.
  • Easy to use and customize.


  • PHP >= 7.2
  • Laravel >= 6.0
  • jQuery >= 3.x


  1. Run the following command to install the package via Composer:
composer require jezuu/notifications
  1. Publish the package's configuration and views by running the following command:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Notifications\NotificationsServiceProvider"


You can use the "Notifications" package in Laravel to display notifications in your application. Here are examples of how to use it from Controller and Blade view:

In Controller:

return Notifications::send(
        'Data has been stored.',

In Blade View:

@if (session('success'))
    {!! Notifications::notify(session('success')) !!}

@if (session('error'))
    {!! Notifications::notify(session('error')) !!}

@if (session('info'))
    {!! Notifications::notify(session('info')) !!}

@if (session('warning'))
    {!! Notifications::notify(session('warning')) !!}

You can customize the notification type, message, and other parameters according to your needs.

In this example, the notify() method from the Notifications class is used to display a success notification. You can pass the desired notification type ('success', 'error', 'warning', 'info') as the first argument and the notification message as the second argument.

Make sure you have properly configured the package and imported the necessary namespaces in your Blade view to use the Notifications class.