
Interact with popular Cloudflare features though Magento's backend portal

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1.4.2 2024-06-20 16:00 UTC


Interact with popular Cloudflare features though Magento's backend portal.


The user guide can be found here. The user guide goes through the installation process as well as explains all the features that comes with this extension. For further support, please email

Build System

A simple Makefile is used as a build system. Run make help to see available commands.

Development Environment

We use a super simple development environment that is ephemeral. You can spin it up by doing the following:

docker compose up -d
docker compose logs -f
docker compose down # destroy environment

You can deploy the module into the development environment by running the following:

make clean
make build
make deploy

You can then access the magento container by running the following:

docker compose exec magento bash

Once in the container you can run the standard commands to install the module:

magento setup:upgrade
magento setup:di:compile

The Magento site is hosted on http://localhost and the backend can be reached at http://localhost/admin. Default user name is jetrails and default password is magento2.