
Drupal 8 base module providing assorted functionality.

v1.0.1 2016-05-06 15:04 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-27 16:36:52 UTC


This module contains assorted functionality for Drupal 8. These snippets have been collected from various sources and projects, and are useful as a base for common implementations.

No guarantees can be made of the quality / reliability of any code.


Add the module via composer:

composer require jessicadigital/drupalbase

Then, visit the Modules page in your Drupal admin panel, and enable the drupalbase module.


1. OlderNewerBlock

This custom block adds a pair of "Older" / "Newer" buttons to the bottom of every node. Content types can be restricted within the admin panel.

To use a custom template, you can create a file at /themes/yourtheme/templates/block/block--oldernewerblock.html.twig using the content.older and content.newer variables to access page URLs, e.g.

{% if content.older is not empty %}
    <a class="btn btn-primary" href="{{ content.older }}">Older article</a>
{% endif %}
{% if content.newer is not empty %}
    <a class="btn btn-primary pull-right" href="{{ content.newer }}">Newer article</a>
{% endif %}

Note that the block will need to be assigned to a region - normally the bottom of the Content region.

2. Query debugging

Drupal 8 does not come with a built in method for debugging EntityFieldQueries. By adding the tag debugthis to your query, the raw SQL will be dumped into the /tmp/drupal_debug.txt file.

3. Sitemap

Automatically generates a sitemap of live Pages and Articles at the URL: /sitemap.

4. Throw a 404 with specific routes

This adds functionality to throw a 404 on routes that begin with 'disable-direct-access' - in a basic sense this replicates the RabbitHole module functionality, which as yet has not been ported to D8. Use with Pathauto module, and set up appropriate patterns for the content you don't wish to be accessed directly.

5. Change Login and Logout URLs

By default, Drupal uses the /user/login and /user/logout URLs for login and logout functionality. For security purposes, it's generally a good idea to change these to something different. The drupalbase plugin changes these paths to /mylogin and /mylogout.

6. Hide default node page

Drupal creates a WordPress-style feed page at the /node URL. Many websites do not hide this, allowing access to supposedly hidden content and an unstyled user experience. Drupalbase prevents access to the /node page.