
CSS selectors query language for DOMDocument, with XPath axes extension

v1.0.3 2020-07-26 00:57 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-28 16:39:07 UTC


CSS selectors query language for DOMDocument, with XPath axes extension.


Create a directory for your application, cd to it, and issue:

composer require jeremiah-shaulov/joyquery-php



require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
use JoyQuery\JoyQuery;

$doc = new DOMDocument;
$doc->loadHTML('<div class=d hello=world><span>Hello</span></div>');
foreach (JoyQuery::evaluate('.d span:last-child', $doc) as $elem)
{	echo "Found: ", $doc->saveXml($elem->cloneNode(true)), "\n\n";

Nonstandard features

The following features are not found in standard, but implemented:

  • E[foo!="bar"] - an E element that either doesn't have "foo" attribute, or has it with value not equal to "bar"
  • E:not(s) - an E element that does not match selector s. Selector s can be any simple or complex (standard requires simple)
  • E:has(s) - an E element that also matches selector s
  • E:any(s1, s2, ...) - an E element that also matches any of given selectors s1, s2, ...
  • E:input - an E element which is INPUT, SELECT, TEXTAREA or BUTTON
  • :from(n) - When applied to a simple selector, e.g. E.cls, selects only elements starting from number n in matched set
  • :limit(n) - When applied to a simple selector, e.g. E.cls, limits matched set to no more than n elements
  • axis::E - XPath-like axis, see below
  • :php-func-name - PHP function to test elements, see below


Joyquery extends CSS selectors language with XPath-like axes. Example:

td.clue parent::tr      /* select TR, which is parent of TD.clue */

td.clue ancestor::table /* select all TABLES, which are ancestors of TD.clue */

.clue descendant-or-self::*:any(th, td)

There are the following axes:

  • self::
  • child::
  • descendant::
  • descendant-or-self::
  • parent::
  • ancestor::
  • ancestor-or-self::
  • following-sibling::
  • first-following-sibling::
  • preceding-sibling::
  • first-preceding-sibling::

Extension functions

You can extend joyquery with custom functions.


require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
use JoyQuery\JoyQuery;

JoyQuery::$FUNCTIONS['has_text'] = function(DOMElement $node, $text)
{	return strpos($node->textContent, $text) !== false;

$doc = new DOMDocument;
$doc->loadHTML('<p>One</p> <p>Two</p> <p>Three</p>');
foreach (JoyQuery::evaluate('p:has-text("ee")', $doc) as $elem)
{	echo "Found: ", $doc->saveXml($elem->cloneNode(true)), "\n\n";