
v1.2.1 2020-01-21 19:03 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-22 04:36:48 UTC


Tool to bundle up contents of vendor/ into vendor.phar file.

This may be useful if you want to put your project in a web-readable directory but you don't want to trawl through all the files in vendor/ to make sure none of them could allow an attacker to do something they shouldn't be able to do.


Add the following to composer.json:

  "scripts": {
    "post-update-cmd": "vendor/bin/phar-install"

Add phar-install:

composer require --dev jeffkarney/phar-install

vendor.phar will be rebuilt automatically every time composer update or composer require is run.

Now just replace require(__DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php'); with require(__DIR__.'/vendor.phar');.

Get composer's autoloader

You can also get access to the autoloader object if needed. The phar file will return the autoloader. With this functionality you can add on your own project's namespaced files into the autoloader.

$autoload = require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor.phar';
$autoload->add('MyNamespace', __DIR__ . '/src');


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