
API Metrics where you can create metrics using a API.

0.1.0 2023-04-16 20:12 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-16 22:29:49 UTC


Metrics is a PHP (Laravel) library to handle all the metrics in your application. It support a value metric and they allow to be loaded over AJAX with a nice loading animation.

It uses a simple API to create all the JS logic for you. You just need to write a few PHP lines :)


You can pull in the package via composer:

composer require jeanfprado/metrics

The package will automatically register itself.


Laravel without auto-discovery:

If you don't use auto-discovery, add the MetricServiceProvider to the providers array in config/app.php


Copy the package config to your local config with the publish command:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Jeanfprado\Metric\MetricServiceProvider"

Creating a Metric

php artisan metric:value TotalUsers

Configure a new metric to use: config/metrics.php

    'classes' => [

Example Value Metrics


namespace App\Metrics;

use App\User;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Jeanfprado\Metric\Features\Value;

class TotalUsers extends Value
     * Calculate the value of the metric.
     * @param  \Illuminate\Http\Request  $request
     * @return mixed
    public function calculate(Request $request)
        return $this->count($request, User::class,'created_at');

     * Get the ranges available for the metric.
     * @return array
    public function ranges()
        return [
            15 => __('15 Days'),
            30 => __('30 Days'),
            60 => __('60 Days'),
            365 => __('365 Days'),
            'TODAY' => __('Today'),
            'MTD' => __('Month To Date'),
            'QTD' => __('Quarter To Date'),
            'YTD' => __('Year To Date'),

     * Determine for how many minutes the metric should be cached.
     * @return  \DateTimeInterface|\DateInterval|float|int
    public function cacheFor()
        return now()->addMinutes(5);

     * Get the URI key for the metric.
     * @return string
    public function uriKey()
        return 'open-orders';

     * Get a unique reference it's used to generate cache key
     * @return string
    protected function getUniqueReference()
        return 'uuid';

Value Query Types

There are many type metrics. Let's explore each of them now.


    return $this->average($request, Order::class,'finished_count');


    return $this->sum($request, Order::class,'price');


    return $this->max($request, Order::class,'amount');


    return $this->min($request, Order::class,'amount');

Custom Value

You also use a custom value.

    return $this->result(Order::processed()->count());

Render the script

You'll need to call the script() method contained in the metric to place the script tag. A full example is provided below.

   {!! $chart->script() !!}

JS event and id

Sample HTML and all js id necessary to create a metric.

   <!DOCTYPE html>
            <meta charset="utf-8">
            <title>Metric with API</title>
            <div id="{{ $metric->id }}_load"></div>
            <div id="{{ $metric->id }}_metric">
                <div id="{{ $metric->id }}_value"></div>
                <div id="{{ $metric->id }}_growth_percentage"></div>
                <select id="{{ $metric->id }}_select">
                    @foreach ($metric->ranges() as $range => $name)
                        <option value="{{ $range }}">{{ $name }}</option>
            {!! $metric->script() !!}