
Server and/or client library for JSON RPC communication

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0.3.3 2013-11-21 15:12 UTC

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Last update: 2025-01-14 01:58:09 UTC


JSON RPC Server / Client library

Master: Build Status Develop: Build Status

Example Usage (Server url: http://josnrpc.mine)

class Test
    public function hello($name)
        return "Hello {$name}!";

$server = new Jdolieslager\JsonRpc\Server(true);
$server->registerHandler('Test');   // Second argument you can define a namespace
                                    // Methods are than seperated with <namespace>.<orignal_method_name>

Client Single Request (Argument based)

$client   = new Jdolieslager\JsonRpc\Client('http://jsonrpc.mine');
$response = $client->sendSimpleRequest('hello', array('name' => 'World'));

if ($response->hasError()) {
    $error = $response->getError();
    throw new \Exception($error->getMessage(), $error->getCode());
} else {
    echo $response->getResult();

Client Single Request (Object based)

$request = new Jdolieslager\JsonRpc\Entity\Request();
$request->addParam('World', 'name');

$client   = new Jdolieslager\JsonRpc\Client('http://jsonrpc.mine');
$response = $client->sendSingleRequest($request);

if ($response->hasError()) {
    $error = $response->getError();
    throw new \Exception($error->getMessage(), $error->getCode());
} else {
    echo $response->getResult();

Client Single Request Notification (Argument based)

$client   = new Jdolieslager\JsonRpc\Client('http://jsonrpc.mine');
$client->sendNotification('hello', array('name' => 'World'));

Client Multiple Requests

use Jdolieslager\JsonRpc\Entity\Response;

// Create objects
$client     = new Jdolieslager\JsonRpc\Client('http://jsonrpc.mine');
$collection = new Jdolieslager\JsonRpc\Collection\Request();
$request    = new Jdolieslager\JsonRpc\Entity\Request();

// Create request one
$request->addParam('World', 'name');
$collection->addRequest($request, function(Response $response) {
    if ($response->hasError()) {
        $error = $response->getError();
        throw new \Exception($error->getMessage(), $error->getCode());
    } else {
        echo $response->getResult();

// Create request two
$request = new Jdolieslager\JsonRpc\Entity\Request();
$request->addParam('Jesper', 'name');
$collection->addRequest($request, function(Response $response) {
    if ($response->hasError()) {
        $error = $response->getError();
        throw new \Exception($error->getMessage(), $error->getCode());
    } else {
        echo $response->getResult();

// Responses holds all the responses
// Index is the ID number
$responses = $client->sendRequest($collection);

Encryption Layer (Server)

class Test
    public function hello($name)
        return 'Hello ' . ucfirst($name) . '!';

$layer = new Jdolieslager\JsonRpc\ProtocolLayer\ServerEncryption(array(
    'key' => 'my secret pass here'

$server = new Jdolieslager\JsonRpc\Server();
$server->addProtocolLayer($layer, Jdolieslager\JsonRpc\Server::LAYER_PLACEMENT_BOTTOM);

Encryption Layer (client)

$client = new Jdolieslager\JsonRpc\Client(

$layer = new Jdolieslager\JsonRpc\ProtocolLayer\ClientEncryption(array(
    'key' => 'my secret pass here'

$client->addProtocolLayer($layer, Jdolieslager\JsonRpc\Client::LAYER_PLACEMENT_TOP);

var_dump($client->sendSimpleRequest('hello', array('world')));