
Yet another php form builder

v1.0.0 2018-10-02 23:31 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-29 04:20:25 UTC


composer require jayrchamp/simple-php-form-builder

Basic Usage

Getting Started

1) Instantiate the class

$form = new SimplePhpFormBuilder\Form();

2) Add the required methods (attribute) to the form object and open the form for fields


Methods ( attributes )

  • action

    • The action to be performed when the form is submitted.
    • (string) (Required)
  • method

    • Accepts GET, POST.
    • (string) (Optional) (Default POST)
  • enctype

    • Accepts multipart/form-data, application/x-www-form-urlencoded.
    • (string) (Optional) (Default multipart/form-data)
  • id

    • Form's id attribute.
    • (string) (Optional)
  • class

    • Form's classes as an array or string.
    • (array | string ) (Optional)
  • attr

    • A key-value pair array of custom attributes with their associated value.
    • Or a string of a single attribute
    • (array | string) (Optional) (Default [])

Action methods

  • open
    • Creates the form and gets it ready to receive field inputs.
    • Needs to be the last method added on the form object.
    • (void) (Required)

Complete example ( form's instantiation )

     ->class('form_class1')->class(['form_class2', 'form_class3'])
     ->attr(['data-form' => 'form-data'])

3) Add form fields

$form->field( string $type )->label( string $label )->build();

Methods ( attributes )

  • field

    • Field's type.
    • (string) (Required)
  • label

    • Field's label
    • (string) (Required)
  • name

    • Field's name attribute.
    • If not set, label will be slugified and added as field name attribute.
    • If you set it, it will automatically be slugified for you. Not need to add underscore, etc.
    • It will keep the square brackets, if you need an array.
    • (string) (Optional) (Default Slugified label)
  • value

    • Field's value attribute
    • (string) (Optional) (Default '')
  • id

    • Form's id attribute.
    • (string) (Optional)
  • class

    • Form's classes as an array or string.
    • (array | string ) (Optional)
  • placeholder

    • Field's placeholder
    • (string) (Optional) (Default '')
  • attr

    • A key-value pair array of custom attributes with their associated value.
    • Or a string of a single attribute
    • (array) (Optional) (Default [])

Action methods

  • build
    • Creates the field.
    • Needs to be the last method added on the field object.
    • (void) (Required)

Complete example ( Creation of a form field )

$form->field( 'text' )
     ->label('What is your name?')
     ->placeholder('ie.: John Doe')
     ->class('text_class1')->class(['text_class2', 'text_class3'])
     ->attr(['data-text' => 'text-data'])

4) Add a submit field


Methods ( attributes )

  • field

    • Field's type.
    • (string) (Required)
  • label

    • Field's label
    • (string) (Optional) (work but useless)
  • value

    • Field's value attribute
    • (string) (Optional) (Default '')
  • id

    • Form's id attribute.
    • (string) (Optional)
  • class

    • Form's classes as an array or string.
    • (array | string ) (Optional)
  • attr

    • Either a key-value pair array of custom attributes with their associated value.
    • or a string for a single attribute without value
    • (array) (Optional) (Default [])

Action methods

  • build
    • Creates the field.
    • Needs to be the last method added on the field object.
    • (void) (Required)

5) Close the form


More examples

select form field

     ->label('Where do you want to go?')
     ->addOption('To the beach')
     ->addOption('Las vegas')
     ->addOption('Planet Mars')

checkbox form field

$form->field('checkbox')->label('Banana')->name('Favorite Fruits[]')->build();
$form->field('checkbox')->label('Apple')->name('Favorite Fruits[]')->build();
$form->field('checkbox')->label('Kiwi')->name('Favorite Fruits[]')->build();

radio form field


hidden form field

$form->field('hidden')->name('my hidden field')->value('done')->build();

Methods ( attributes )

  • field

    • Field's type.
    • (string) (Required)
  • name

    • Field's name. Is Required since no label will be slugified.
    • (string) (Optional)
  • value

    • Field's value. Not required but would be brian to add it.
    • (string) (Optional) (Default '')
  • id

    • Form's id attribute.
    • (string) (Optional)
  • class

    • Form's classes as an array or string.
    • (array | string ) (Optional)
  • attr

    • Either a key-value pair array of custom attributes with their associated value.
    • or a string for a single attribute without value
    • (array) (Optional) (Default [])
  • label

    • Field's label. Work but useless.
    • (string) (Optional)

Action methods

  • build
    • Creates the field.
    • Needs to be the last method added on the field object.
    • (void) (Required)