
The Node.js backend for the Drupal Private Message Nodejs sub-module of the Private Message module.

0.3.7 2018-05-31 09:50 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-20 20:31:32 UTC


This package provides the server-side scripts for integration of the Drupal Private Message module with Nodejs.

Installation Instructions

  1. Install Nodejs on your server.
  2. Navigate to the directory that this file resides in.
  3. Run npm install from this directory.
  4. Create the folder [VENDOR FOLDER]/jaypan/config.
  5. Create the file [VENDOR FOLDER]/jaypan/config/default.json for the app.

Create default.json by copying either ./http-example.default.json (for HTTP connections) or ./https-example.default.json (for HTTPS connections). Fill in all the values in the JSON file. Note that you will need to navigate to the Private Message settings form in Drupal, and copy the Nodejs secret value, to paste into default.json. If you are using https, you should start with port 8443, and if you are able to get that working, you can try other ports.

  1. Run node app.js from this directory. Note that you need to leave this program running for the module to work with Nodejs.

Overriding configuration by environment

If you want to have separate configuration per environment, you can do the following.

If your environment is production, then in the [VENDOR FOLDER]/jaypan/private-message-nodejs/config folder, alongside default.json, you can create production.json. Then, to run your app, you would do the following:

export NODE_ENV=production
node app.js

The key here is that NODE_ENV is set to the name of the file without the .json. So you could do a staging server with staging.json and:

export NODE_ENV=staging
node app.js