
Laravel package to access demographic data on Uganda's regions and districts

dev-master 2019-11-22 16:20 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-23 02:06:49 UTC


CircleCI Test Coverage


This is a laravel package you can use to retrieve population data for Uganda's regions, districts, subcounties and population according to the 2014 census data


This package lets you to access population statistics such as male/female population, gender ratio, land area and population density associated with regions, districts or subcounties within Uganda

Table of Contents


In order to run this project, ensure that you have installed;

  • PHP 5.3 or later
  • Composer


Follow these steps to install and setup the package within your project


Pull this package in through Composer

composer require jaymeskat/ug-geog

Service Provider

  • Laravel 5.5 + Uses package auto discovery features to recognise the package.

  • Laravel 5.4 and below Add the package to your application service providers in config/app.php file.

'providers' => [


     * Package Service Providers...


Publish Package

Publish the package to your application if required by running this command in your terminal.

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="JaymesKat\UgGeog\UgGeogServiceProvider"

Ensure all package classes are autoloaded

composer dump-autoload

Run Migrations

Set up seeding by adding the code below in the body of the run function inside the DatabaseSeeder.php file located within the database/seeds folder


Run migrations to provision tables in your database, this will also add seed data to tables.

php artisan migrate --seed


Getting All Records

Use models from package to get the records.


    use JaymesKat\UgGeog\Models\Region;

    $regionsArray = Region::list();


    use JaymesKat\UgGeog\Models\District;

    $districtsArray = District::list();


    use JaymesKat\UgGeog\Models\Subcounty;

    $subcountiesArray = Subcounty::list();

Getting Specific Records

Use the package models to retrieve specific region, district or subcounty information.

use JaymesKat\UgGeog\Models\Region;
use JaymesKat\UgGeog\Models\District;
use JaymesKat\UgGeog\Models\Subcounty;

$region = Region::get('Central');

$district = District::get('Kampala');

$subcounty = Subcounty::get('Bihanga');

// Get all districts within a region
$districtsWithinRegion = District::inRegion('Western');

// Get all subcounties within a district
$subcountiesWithinDistrict = Subcounty::inDistrict('Jinja');


The data used in this package was published by Uganda Bureau Of Statistics on data.ug


I welcome comments for improvements on this package. Please document this by creating an issue


This package is free software distributed under the terms of the MIT license.