
Laravel multi theme library

1.2 2020-09-22 18:20 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-23 02:02:53 UTC


Theme Management for Laravel

Laravel-Theme is a theme management for Laravel 5+, it is the easiest way to organize your skins, layouts and assets.


Theme has many features to help you get started with Laravel


'providers' => [


Theme also ships with a facade which provides the static syntax for creating collections. You can register the facade in the aliases key of your config/app.php file.

'aliases' => [
	'Theme'=> \JascoB\Theme\Facades\Theme::class,


Publish config using artisan CLI.

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="JascoB\Theme\Providers\ThemeServiceProvider"

Create new theme

The first time you have to create theme "default" structure, using the artisan command:

php artisan theme:create default

This will create the following directory structure:

├── public/
    └── themes/
	    └── default/
		    ├── assets
        	    └── config.json

To delete an existing theme, use the command:

php artisan theme:delete default

If you want to list all installed themes use the command:

php artisan theme:list

You can duplicate an existing theme:

php artisan theme:duplicate name new-theme

Create from the application without CLI.

Artisan::call('theme:create', ['name' => 'foo']);

Basic usage

To display a view from the controller:

namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Theme;

class HomeController extends Controller {

	public function getIndex()
		return Theme::view('index');

You can use it in your routes as a middleware

Route::get('/', function () {

You can set theme manually:

return Theme::view('index');

To check whether a theme exists.


Each theme must come supplied with a manifest file config.json stored at the root of the theme, which defines supplemental details about the theme.

    "name": "Default"

Custom Helper functions

@themeInclude is a blade directive for including sup views eg:

## insted of 
@include('someview', ['somedata'=>$var])

## use theme campatible
@themeInclude('someview', ['somedata'=>$var] )

@themeFirst is blade directive instead of @includeFirst

## insted of 
@includeFirst(['someview','view-other'], ['somedata'=>$var] )

## use theme campatible
@themeFirst(['someview','view-other'], ['somedata'=>$var] )

Package will publish assets folder to public folder as indicated on config file theme.php
In order to get url for current theme use theme_uri()

<link href="{{ theme_uri() }}/css/style.css" rel="stylesheet" />

<script src="{{ theme_uri() }}/js/script.js"></script>

<img src="{{ theme_uri() }}/image/img.png" />

Please place all your assets to assets folder and Correctly change config/theme.php file

Custom theme boilerplate

if you want to change boilerplate you can use

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="JascoB\Theme\Providers\ThemeServiceProvider" --tag="template"

It will create a fonder on resources/views/vendor/theme/template you can make boilerplate there and The package will copy the template from there


In order to run test

php vendor/bin/phpunit tests