
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

A simple and light SQL lib

2.0.2 2021-06-20 16:44 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2022-09-20 19:38:08 UTC


A simple and light SQL lib that you were needing it and not knowing

  • Generates Entities
  • Requires very basic Mysql knowledge
  • No obscure code
  • Pascal cased getter and setters
  • Column names as constants
  • Handles relationships automatically

Getting Started

  • composer require jarivas/no-orm
  • $host is the mysql host
  • $dbname schema name where read tables to generate helper classes
  • $username mysql user
  • $password mysql password
  • $targetFolder where in the file system you want the files to be located
  • $namespace, is a string with a standard php namespace, for example 'Db\Book'

Generating classes

  • use NoOrm\EntityGenerator;
  • $result = EntityGenerator::process($host, $dbname, $username, $password, $targetFolder, $namespace)
  • My recommendation is create php command in order to generate files everytime you want


  • I have been using this db example https://github.com/datacharmer/test_db
  • Select the first 1000 rows $result = Entity\CurrentDeptEmp::get();
  • Get the value of the column emp_no of the first row $result[0]->getEmpNo()
  • Insert
$columns = [
$values = [
$result = Entity\Departments::insertOne($columns, $values);
  • Update
$assignments = [
    Entity\Departments::COL_DEPT_NAME . ' = "HOLA"'

$where = [
        'operator' => 'AND',
        'condition' => Entity\Departments::COL_DEPT_NO . ' = "d010"'

$result = Entity\Departments::update($assignments, $where);
  • Delete $result = Entity\Departments::delete($where);


  • All the generated classes contains consts that begins with COL that represent that column in the db, example CurrentDeptEmp::COL_DEPT_NO
  • The where and having syntax are the same across the methods
  • Projection means the selected fields from the query
  • If you do not specify any projection by default will generate all fields PascalCased instead of snake_cased emp_no => EmpNo, also will include the ones on the relations
  • The relations fields will have the upper case table name prefixed DEPARTMENTS_DeptNo or EMPLOYEES_BirthDate
  • The trait EntityBody will be on each generated class and will be the one who generates and executes the queries
  • Those methods are get, insertOne, update, delete
 * Retrieves an array of Entities (same class where was invoked)
 * @param array $projection (array of class's columns constant)
 * @param array $where (array of ['operator' => AND|OR, 'condition' => COL_CONSTANT . ' =, like ....'])
 * @param string $group (an string that you would place after GROUP BY)
 * @param array $having (same as $where)
 * @param string $order (an string that you would place after ORDER BY)
 * @param int $limit (in case you need it)
 * @param int $offset (in case you need it)
 * @return array[Entity]
public static function get(array $projection = [], array $where = [],
    string $group = '', array $having = [], string $order = '',
    int $limit = 1000, int $offset = 0): array

 * Inserts a new row in the table
 * @param array $columns (array of class's columns constant)
 * @param array $values (array of values in the same order as $columns)
 * @param string $onDuplicateKeyUpdate (an string that you would place after ON DUPLICATED KEY UPDATE)
 * @return int (number of rows affected)
public static function insertOne(array $columns, array $values,
        string $onDuplicateKeyUpdate = ''): int

 * Updates one or more rows in the table
 * @param array $assignments
 * @param array $where (array of ['operator' => AND|OR, 'condition' => COL_CONSTANT . ' =, like ....'])
 * @param string $order (an string that you would place after ORDER BY)
 * @param int $limit (in case you need it)
 * @return bool (true in case of success)
public static function update(array $assignments, array $where = [],
    string $order = '', int $limit = 0): bool

 * Deletes one or more rows in the table
 * @param array $where (array of ['operator' => AND|OR, 'condition' => COL_CONSTANT . ' =, like ....'])
 * @param string $order (an string that you would place after ORDER BY)
 * @param int $limit (in case you need it)
 * @return bool (true in case of success)
public static function delete(array $where = [], string $order = '', int $limit = 0): bool