
Laravel package for FPDF.

v1.0.5 2020-05-13 17:40 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-25 02:27:12 UTC


Esto es parte del trabakp de https://github.com/crabbly/fpdf-laravel

Se agrega encriptado del PDF con contrseña Proteccion para impresion, apertura, anotaciones Lectura de Fuentes externao diferente a fnt/ Otras funciones simples como getPage, getOrientation,setOrientation

FPDF - Laravel

A package for Laravel to implement the FPDF class.

FPDF Official Website: www.fpdf.org


Step 1: Composer

From the command line, run:

composer require japhom/fpdf-laravel

Step 2: Service Provider

For your Laravel app, open config/app.php and, within the providers array, append:


This will bootstrap the package into Laravel.


We can resolve the FPDF class instance out of the container:

$pdf = app('Fpdf');

We can also instantiate it directly:

$pdf = new \Japhom\Fpdf\Fpdf;

FPDF Documentation

For documentation manual and tutorials, please visit www.fpdf.org


Create a 'Hello World' PDF document and save it to a file in the storage folder:

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Storage;

//create pdf document
$pdf = app('Fpdf');
$pdf->Cell(40,10,'Hello World!');
$pdf->SetProtection(array('print', 'annot-forms'),"","password");

//save file



The package is free software distributed under the terms of the MIT license. FPDF is a free PHP class, you may use it for any kind of usage and modify it to suit your needs.