
Simple migrations system for php

dev-master 2020-08-20 09:19 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-20 18:28:36 UTC


Database migration tool for PHP

How does it work?

$ start migrate

Start aims to be vendor/framework independent, and in doing so, requires you to do a little bit of work up front to use it.

Start requires a bootstrap file, that must return an object that implements the ArrayAccess interface with several predefined keys. We recommend returning an instance of Pimple, a simple dependency injection container. This is also an ideal opportunity to expose your own services to the migrations themselves, which have access to the container, such as a schema management abstraction.

Getting Started

The best way to install start is using composer:

$ curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php
$ php composer.phar require japerman/start-migration

You can then use the localised version of start for that project

$ bin/start --version

Start can do a little configuring for you to get started, go to the root of your project and:

$ start init
+d ./migrations
+f ./start.php

+d ./migrations Place your migration files in here

+f ./start.php Create services in here

Note that you can move start.php to config/start.php, the commands will look first in the config directory than in the root.

Start can generate migrations using the generate command. Migration files are named versionnumber_name.php, where version number is made up of 0-9 and name is CamelCase or snake_case. Each migration file should contain a class with the same name as the file in CamelCase.

$ start generate AddRatingToLolCats
+f ./migrations/20201018171411_AddRatingToLolCats.php
$ start status

 Status   Migration ID    Migration Name 
   down  20201018171929  AddRatingToLolCats

Use the migrate command to run migrations

$ start migrate
 == 20201018171411 AddRatingToLolCats migrating
 == 20201018171411 AddRatingToLolCats migrated 0.0005s
$ start status

 Status   Migration ID    Migration Name 
     up  20201018171929  AddRatingToLolCats

Better Persistence

The init command creates a bootstrap file that specifies a flat file to use to track which migrations have been run, which isn't great. You can use the provided adapters to store this information in your database.


# start.php

use Start\Adapter;
use Pimple\Container;

$container = new Container();

$container['db'] = function () {
    $dbh = new PDO('mysql:dbname=testdb;host=','username','passwd');
    return $dbh;

$container['start.adapter'] = function ($c) {
    return new Adapter\PDO\Sql($c['db'], 'migrations');

$container['start.migrations_path'] = __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'migrations';

return $container;

Postgres PDO SqlPgsql

Adds support for qualifying the migrations table with a schema.


# start

use Start\Adapter;
use Pimple\Container;

$container = new Container();

$container['db'] = function () {
    $dbh = new PDO(sprintf('pgsql:dbname=%s;host=%s;password=%s', 'dbname', 'localhost', 'password'), 'dbuser', '');
    return $dbh;

$container['start.adapter'] = function ($c) {
    return new Adapter\PDO\SqlPgsql($c['db'], 'migrations', 'migrationschema');

return $container;

Or you can use Doctrine's DBAL:


# start.php

// do some autoloading of Doctrine here

use Start\Adapter;
use Pimple\Container;
use Doctrine\DBAL\DriverManager;

$container = new Container();

$container['db'] = function () {
    return DriverManager::getConnection(array(
        'driver' => 'pdo_sqlite',
        'path'   => __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'db.sqlite',

$container['start.adapter'] = function ($c) {
    return new Adapter\Doctrine\DBAL($c['db'], 'migrations');

$container['start.migrations_path'] = __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'migrations';

return $container;

Unfortunately Zend Framework does not have a Database Abstraction Layer and setting up migrations requires couple additional steps. You first need to prepare the configuration. It might be in any format supported by Zend_Config. Here is an example in YAML for MySQL:

  tableName: migrations
  createStatement: CREATE TABLE migrations ( version VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL );

In configuration file you need to provide the table name where the migrations will be stored and a create statement. You can use one of the configurations provided in the config folder for some common RDBMS.

Here is how the bootstrap file should look like:


# start.php

// Set some constants
define('START_PATH', realpath(dirname(__FILE__)));
define('VENDOR_PATH', START_PATH . '/vendor');
set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . VENDOR_PATH);

// Register autoloading
require_once 'Zend/Loader/Autoloader.php';
$autoloader = Zend_Loader_Autoloader::getInstance();

use Start\Adapter\Zend\Db;
use Pimple\Container;

$container = new Container();

$container['db'] = function () {
    return Zend_Db::factory('pdo_mysql', array(
        'dbname' => 'DBNAME',
        'username' => 'USERNAME',
        'password' => 'PASSWORD',
        'host' => 'localhost'

$container['start.adapter'] = function($c) {
    $configuration = null;
    $configurationFile = START_PATH . '/config/mysql.yaml';

    if (file_exists($configurationFile)) {
        $configuration = new Zend_Config_Yaml($configurationFile, null, array('ignore_constants' => true));

    return new Db($c['db'], $configuration);

$container['start.migrations_path'] = __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'migrations';

return $container;

Example with Eloquent ORM 5.1


use Start\Adapter;
use Pimple\Container;
use Illuminate\Database\Capsule\Manager as Capsule;

$container = new Container();

$container['config'] = [
    'driver'    => 'xxx',
    'host'      => 'xxx',
    'database'  => 'xxx',
    'username'  => 'xxx',
    'password'  => 'x',
    'charset'   => 'xxx',
    'collation' => 'xxx',
    'prefix'    => '',

$container['db'] = function ($c) {
    $capsule = new Capsule();

   return $capsule;

$container['start.adapter'] = function($c) {
    return new Adapter\Illuminate\Database($c['db'], 'migrations');
$container['start.migrations_path'] = __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'migrations';

return $container;

Writing Migrations

The migrations should extend the Start\Migration\Migration class, and have access to the container. For example, assuming you've rewritten your bootstrap file like above:


use Start\Migration\Migration;

class AddRatingToLolCats extends Migration
     * Do the migration
    public function up()
        $sql = "ALTER TABLE `lol_cats` ADD COLUMN `rating` INT(10) UNSIGNED NULL";
        $container = $this->getContainer(); 

     * Undo the migration
    public function down()
        $sql = "ALTER TABLE `lol_cats` DROP COLUMN `rating`";
        $container = $this->getContainer(); 

Customising the migration template

You can change the default migration template by providing the path to a file in the start.migrations_template_path config value. If the template has a .php extension it is included and parsed as PHP, and the $className variable is replaced:

<?= "<?php ";?>

use Start\Migration\Migration;

class <?= $className ?> extends Migration
    $someValue = <?= $this->container['value'] ?>; 

     * Do the migration
    public function up()
        $container = $this->getContainer();

     * Undo the migration
    public function down()
        $container = $this->getContainer();

If it uses any other extension (e.g., .stub or .tmpl) it's parsed using the sprintf function, so the class name should be set to %s to ensure it gets replaced:


use Start\Migration\Migration;

class %s extends Migration
     * Do the migration
    public function up()
        $container = $this->getContainer(); 

     * Undo the migration
    public function down()
        $container = $this->getContainer(); 

Module Migrations

If you have an application that consists of different modules and you want to be able to separate the migration, Start has a built-in way to achieve this.


/** @var Pimple\Container $container */
$container['start.sets'] = function ($container) {
    return array(
        'cms' => array(
            'adapter' => new Adapter\File\Flat('modules/migrationLogs/cms_migrations.log'),
            'migrations_path' => 'migrations/cms'
        'blog' => array(
            'adapter' => new Adapter\File\Flat('modules/migrationLogs/blog_migrations.log'),
            'migrations_path' => 'migrations/blog'

this way each set has their own migration log and the ability to migrate changes independently of each other.

to run the set migration you just use the command below:

$ start up -s <SET NAME HERE> --<VERSION HERE>

For example, if a change was made to the cms migration, you'll type in this command:

$ start up -s cms --2

and the migration tool will run the migration setup for cms.

to downgrade a migration would be:

$ start down -s <SET NAME HERE> --<VERSION HERE>

Multi path migrations

By default you have to provide the path to migrations directory, but you can organize your migrations script however you like and have several migrations directory. To do this you can provide an array of migration file paths to the container :


/** @var Pimple\Container $container */
$container['start.migrations'] = function () {
    return array_merge(

You can then provide a target directory to the generate command. The target directory is mandatory if you haven't provided a start.migrations_path config value.

$ start generate AddRatingToLolCats ./migrations

Rolling Back

You can roll back the last run migration by using the rollback command

$ start rollback

To rollback all migration up to a specific migration you can specify the rollback target

$ start rollback -t 20111101000144


$ start rollback --target=20111101000144

By specifying 0 as the rollback target start will revert all migrations

$ start rollback -t 0

You can also rollback only a specific migration using the down command

$ start down 20111101000144

Using Outside CLI

In order to use the migration tool outside the cli context use Start\Api\StartApplication.


use Start\Api\StartApplication;

// require the composer autoloader
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

$output = new \Symfony\Component\Console\Output\NullOutput();

// create container from bootstrap file
$container = require __DIR__ . '/tests/dom/start.php';

$app = new StartApplication($container, $output);

// run the migrations
